• I have 3 now (have had up to 5 at one time) and my current three get along very well. I heartily recommend more than 1! There will be some squabbling at times, but hopefully they will bond and be great friends. It is fun to watch 2 play, and it takes the pressure off of you to entertain them all the time!

    Anne in Tampa

  • Two is definitely better than one. They completely enjoy having a friend!

  • getting a second - if you have space and time - has some definate positives. If for no other reason than they can wear themseleves out - of course the Basenji 500 around your house might go and extra lap or two but it is more fun.

    Make sure though that you get opposite gender.

  • B's just love the company of another. If they don't have a four legged friend to share their time with, it will be you and you may not always have the time. B's don't like to be left alone and another can help with that when you have to leave. They still won't like it when you leave, but misery loves company.;)

    I will always have at least two Basenji's, it's not easier and it's certainly not for everyone. IMO, it's just good for the Basenji and I think they're happier.

  • It realy sounds that two is better than one=)

  • @Beckis:

    It realy sounds that two is better than one=)

    It is!!! It's also worse. 😕

  • Two packs is worse….....I would avoid that at all costs. It's difficult keeping them apart and it's always in the back of your mind someone's going to make a mistake and let them together some how.

    Male and female pair is ideal......IMO

  • @JazzysMom:

    It is!!! It's also worse. 😕


  • @Basenji_Boy:

    Two packs is worse….....I would avoid that at all costs. It's difficult keeping them apart and it's always in the back of your mind someone's going to make a mistake and let them together some how.

    Male and female pair is ideal......IMO

    Packs? Is it male?

  • @Beckis:

    Packs? Is it male?

    I have a pack of two B's and the other has four B's. The reason that came about was because two of the females will never get along…..we tried very hard to keep it one pack.......it just didn't work out.

  • And you have to walk them separately at times so that they learn to trust themselves and not always totally depend on eachother.And remember if the older has some nasty habits or fears the pup will take after as dog´s do.So an adult dog with a good mentality and good behaviour will be a wonderful teacher to a pup but the opposite will give you double trouble.

  • the reason we got another is because ramsey had horrible separation anxiety and since we got the 2nd he is much better now we have 3 becuase we bred them and kept one and they all love eachother. and maybe having b's is special because of their personality its hard to not have more than one.

  • @thegriffswife:

    the reason we got another is because ramsey had horrible separation anxiety and since we got the 2nd he is much better now

    Same for us. Sophie had issues when we got her. Getting a 2nd B helped with her separation anxiety and with her socialization skills. Getting Stick was the best thing we have ever done! Plus, I have never laughed so much in my life! Watching my two Bs play together around the house is hysterical! 😃

  • We have three. The second we got to have a playmate for our first and the third we got because we fell in love with his pic on BRAT (I am no longer allowed to go to the BRAT website ,,,,lol). Three is definately challenging but they all get along most of the time and have given us endless hours of laughter and joy (as well as some very frustrating times!). If I had it to do over again I would definately do everything the same. Just make sure you have the time and resources for a 2nd b. Our first has had some vision problems and the others have to be vetted periodically and it can get a little expensive. Also, with two and three it almost takes two sets of eyes to keep track of them sometimes. One last tip,,,,if you do get a second ,,,baby gates are a must to keep them corraled!

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