• If it is just recently, maybe it is the stress of relocation? Dogs will shed after a stressful event. Mine always shed after coming home from the kennel. Or if we are traveling…fun, but stressful for them, I guess.

  • @Quercus:

    If it is just recently, maybe it is the stress of relocation? Dogs will shed after a stressful event. Mine always shed after coming home from the kennel. Or if we are traveling…fun, but stressful for them, I guess.

    Seems like just about every dog we've ever owned has reacted to stress by releasing half its hair! Cory was spayed 10 days ago and it seems like she has been shedding a lot more. Don't know if it is just her time of year to shed or if it is a stress reaction or even a change in hormones. Or maybe it is coincidental and we just noticed the shedding because we're wearing darker clothes. We've added a suppliment (Missing Link) to her food to see if that will help.


  • Yes, they usually have a BIG shed after anesthesia…I can't remember the reason...but I know that it does occur.

  • @Quercus:

    Yes, they usually have a BIG shed after anesthesia…I can't remember the reason...but I know that it does occur.

    And ever notice how they shed just going to the Vet… 😞 Only my OJ doesn't do that... he likes his Vets...)

  • Yeah…ours that were born at Tracy's LOVE going to the vet...the others...not so much 😉

  • Mine not only shed, but Topper goes from glossy and soft to dull with dry flakes in about 5 minutes when stressed. None of my 3 have an undercoat so shedding is not too bad at my house. Or so I thought. I was ironing a pair of black pants on the bed the other day and surprise, they were covered with dog hair when I finished. Not seasonal, but shedding is about the same year 'round.

    Anne in Tampa

  • HI Pat,

    Have you noticed that the Missing Link supplement has helped with the shedding?



    Seems like just about every dog we've ever owned has reacted to stress by releasing half its hair! Cory was spayed 10 days ago and it seems like she has been shedding a lot more. Don't know if it is just her time of year to shed or if it is a stress reaction or even a change in hormones. Or maybe it is coincidental and we just noticed the shedding because we're wearing darker clothes. We've added a suppliment (Missing Link) to her food to see if that will help.


  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    HI Pat,

    Have you noticed that the Missing Link supplement has helped with the shedding?


    Cory isn't shedding nearly as much now and we've been giving her a tsp in her breakfast every morning. Now the question is….has the shedding stopped because it's been a month since she was spayed or because she is getting the supplement? I can't say for sure but I figure it is probably good for her anyway and I'm going to keep her on it. Her coat looks good.


  • I got the furminator for my dogs' shedding times. It really helps. But I only use the comb if I notice they are going through their seasonal shedding.

    I also have this doggie shampoo called Blueberry Facial. It ROCKS. I really noticed a difference. I used to use oatmeal stuff because their coats were dry and it says it's moisturizing. Anyways I won the Blueberry Facial (even though it smells like banana and is for all over the body) and it's been awesome! And I have been following up with Head & Shoulders conditioner. I have to rinse them a lot more, but their coats are REALLY soft and very conditioned. And they don't get dandruff 3 days after their baths like they did with the old stuff!

    I also won some furminator de-shedding treats. I don't give them to them regularly- well, because we have 700 other treats to use before we get to that bag… but that's also an option.

  • My previous basenji didn't shed so much as he would release noticable dandruff when he was stressed.

  • @wizard:

    My previous basenji didn't shed so much as he would release noticable dandruff when he was stressed.

    Releasing dander when stress is pretty common.. and we all know how stressful "baths" are…:D

  • @tanza:

    And ever notice how they shed just going to the Vet… 😞 Only my OJ doesn't do that... he likes his Vets...)

    Nala does too. I end up with a Basenji hair sweater just from holding her in the office and exam room!

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