Driving the people upstairs crazy :(

  • I have a question I have 3 dogs 1 being a basenji the problem i am having is my Hubby just shipped out with the army for 3 mths and I work overnights One of my dogs have separation anxiety and once i leave about 5 mins later will start barking like crazy witch will of course cause a chain reaction Then my other barker joins in and last will be Phoenix my B howling whinning and rooing The neighbor upstairs has said they will go for HRS without stopping I'm not sure what i can do to stop this behavior i cant get the one starting the barking fest cuz he's already timid and i think one of those collors willbother him and as far as the spray i think that will also bother him and make him just bark over it 😞 I've tried all the normal things ,,, don't make a big deal when leaving leave them with a treat try to leave for a few mins then come back NOTHING has worked with them once the litttle starts they all join in 😞 I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what else i can try I don't really want to have him on any Meds if i can help it I also bring them out for a long run and some play in the house before i leave so i know its not cuz he's not getting enough excerise I'm not sure what else i can do to try and keep him quite and not start off the barking fest Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Thank u sooo much I'm slowly but surely lossing my mind over here trying to think of things that might work

  • Is it your B that is starting it? They usually do not howl/"bark" for very long- certainly it would not be the entire time you were away. How long do they dogs bark for when you leave?

    Have you talked with your neighbors to explain your situation? If they bark at like 7 or 8pm, then I think your neighbors can be irritated with it, but certainly not mad. But if it's like at 2 in the morning, and your neighbors are constantly getting woken up– then there's a real problem.

    Do you have anyone who could stay at your place to keep the kids calm?
    As I'm understanding your post- it's just a temporary thing- 3 months, right?
    If worse comes to worst- you could always board them somewhere, although that would be a very expensive alternative. I agree about the bark collar-- One of our friends had one for their dog and it was so sad. It really changed her personality. And the two times I tried a shock collar on my B, it had horrible effects. The B did not know what in the heck was happening and it just scared her pretty badly. Not a good idea for Bs, IMO.

    What else could you try? Are they crated? What breed are the other dogs? Are their "sitters" that do over nights? I still think having a friend stay at your place might be the best option...

  • When I had Max and Pepper, and Pepper had surgery on her leg and needed to be confined so that she didn't run around, I separated her from Max by putting her in the garage and leaving Max in the house. I have a dog door to the backyard, and after a week, my neighbor left me a note saying the Max started howling the minute I left in the a.m. and didn't stop until I returned home from work. So I set the garage up to confine Pepper in one half, and Max in the other–and Max was quiet as a mouse after that. Maybe your three just need to get used to the new routine? How about trying a mild sedative temporarily?

  • Is there a responsible teen who could use a few dollars sleeping over at your home when your at work?
    The dogs will have someone to sleep with and that should keep them quiet.

  • It's not my B that starts it it's my cattledog/terrier then my whippet joins in then it's my B with the howling ect, i talked to the neighbors and they say it goes on for hrs i work 12 midnight to 8 in the morning so needless to say its happening late at night around 12 to 3 😞 😞 thankfully the neighbors are being pretty good about it and understand but still get upset I can't find anyone that can stay with them cuz its 5 days a week so a teen is out of thequestion cuz they have school and i cant afford to board all three of them they are not crated they never have been, Max u mentioned something about a mild sedative where would i get something like that ?? and yes my hubby is away for a min of 3 mths but he's in the army so i can't really relie on it only being 3 mths ya know there not babies well there mine but there 6yrs and the other 2 are 2 yrs old any more suggestions would be appreciated thank u all soooo much
    I think a sedative might help with Apsens separation anxtity but not sure where i can find something like that

  • @phoenix3:

    I think a sedative might help with Apsens separation anxtity but not sure where i can find something like that

    Your Vet is the one who would be the one to prescribe medication to ease your dog's anxiety.

    There is a herbal remedy out there - "Rescue Remedy" (I think that's it) - that some swear by but I've never had much success with it. Also, isn't there another product out there that some of you have used and like? A pherome type odor remedy. Those are non-prescription choices.

    Good Luck and I hope something helps ease the situation. You don't need the added stress.


  • @BasenjiDiva:

    Your Vet is the one who would be the one to prescribe medication to ease your dog's anxiety.


    Right–your vet would be able to prescribe something--and there are other drugs that are used for separation anxiety, too (like prozac for serious cases). The only other "sedative" type pill I've tried that is non prescription is benedryl--because it can have a sedating type of effect.

  • Have you tried day care (I guess it would be night care) for the one that starts the howling? If you could separate that one the others should mellow out.

  • Have you tried giving them a large kong with some frozen peanut butter or yogurt in it?? It usually preoccupies them for quite some time. And maybe when they're done they'll be too tired to bark & howl. Hope this helps.

  • Miles howls really loudly when we put him in the crate and leave. We tried the rescue remedy- and it did not help. Although some people swear by it- so it's worth a try and is not that expensive. We give the dogs peanut butter hooves. Maybe that will help.

  • We used the DAP diffuser which worked for us when we first got our dogs & they were settling into our house & family. I think it worked wonders for us…goodluck!

    Keeping them busy for as many hours as possible is your best bet. Who can howl & whine while you're eating??? 🙂

  • I've tried the treats all diffent types and the kongs they hate kongs go figure my luck huh lol I can't separate them because i tried that once and upstairs said it only made it worse instead of constant barking it was barking with constant loud whining on top of that I think i'm going to start off trying that "rescue remedy" and see how that works first. then if need be i will go to the vet and see what kind of meds they suggest Is the rescue remedy a plug in thing or is it a pill i give to the dog ?? Is there diffent types out there of it ?? Thanks for all the suggestions 🙂

  • @phoenix3:

    I've tried the treats all diffent types and the kongs they hate kongs go figure my luck huh lol I can't separate them because i tried that once and upstairs said it only made it worse instead of constant barking it was barking with constant loud whining on top of that I think i'm going to start off trying that "rescue remedy" and see how that works first. then if need be i will go to the vet and see what kind of meds they suggest Is the rescue remedy a plug in thing or is it a pill i give to the dog ?? Is there diffent types out there of it ?? Thanks for all the suggestions 🙂

    Rescue Remedy is a liquid… but it is 27% alcohol... whcih is most likey why it works for some dogs. Honestly, I have never had any luck with it....

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