Looking For Winter Coat
Honestly…keeping them warm...is actually a challenge! My two Bs will tremble in the cold no matter how many coats, sweaters, AND boots :eek: I put on them so I think in the end it just makes me feel better that they're covered. But I don't think they're actualy warm..lol :D
Honestly…keeping them warm...is actually a challenge! My two Bs will tremble in the cold no matter how many coats, sweaters, AND boots :eek: I put on them so I think in the end it just makes me feel better that they're covered. But I don't think they're actualy warm..lol :D
What about a full body snow suit. Could dress then up like the little kid from the movie "A Chrstmas Story" LOL j/k
That would be funny. When Tucker first donned his Overcoat, he acted like that kid did. He walked all still legged and hesitated at stairs/curbs. Thought he was going to topple over if he misstepped. Hee hee! He must have been Italian…F-R-A-G-I-L-E...Fragilay!
HAAAAA HAAAAA…..Did Tucker also screech.."I can't get up! I can't get up!!" LOL LOL!!! :D :D :D
WBL-ROFL!!! I guess that might work...and a "FA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA" to you too!! :D :D
As long as you don't do this to them, this is one miserable dog
**Here are a few that I have looked at before
**This site has some REALLY cute ones
**http://www.dogbedsetc.com/items.aspx?LinkID=01ab41c3-9d29-4959-b2ee-d4e47d7d9a8eMore expensive, I'm waiting for Tiggy to be done growing to buy one, but I really like the look of these
http://www.k9topcoat.com/group.asp?grp=60 -
Actually what the FidoFleece site does not show is that the velcro openings are along the top of the back. You lay the coat open on the floor and just have to set your B down setting feet in front openings and whoosh - pull up the sides and the coat is on.
If there is a fido fleece dealer near you or at the show - check out thier sale rack - last years colors great price - I don't think I've paid more than $15.00 for any of them - including a cute little windbreaker that was fleece on one side and water repellant on the other (with a hood)
I don't know if anyone has a Pet Supply Outlet by them, but we have one in Sheboygan, and it had great winter coats. I didn't want to spend much, and I got this one for $20. It is a nice winter coat, and it doesn't have the holes for the paws, instead there are just two velcro strips that go around her middle and chest. The brand is Fashion Pet, I don't know if you can get them elsewhere or not. They aren't anything special, but its a reasonable, simple, yet warm coat that my dog actually doesn't mind wearing.
I tried a different one earlier that had paw holes, and it was a struggle to get it on her, plus once I did she refused to move :) She looked so sad wearing it that I had to take it back and try something else! -
Duh forgot the link…can you tell its getting late?
http://www.cheappetstore.com/Dogs-Puppies/Dog-Clothes-Costumes/Dog-Coats-Watersports/Eskimo-Shearling-Dog-Coat-Medium-Sapphire-83576/Its long so you might have to copy/paste rather than click.
I have found with my B that most coats that I have bought do not fit her very good. I have found one at www.ruffwear.com, that I am going to order this week. It has gotten really cold here in NC and my B, Sahara, is freezing when I take her outside. She just shakes, and shakes when she goes potty, I feel so sorry for her. The coat I have is nicely lined with fleece but it is not long enough for her long body and sticks up in the back, the cold wind goes right up her back. The K-9 coat at ruffwear is sized by length of dog and girth, so it should fit better. It is expensive but it will probably be the last coat I get her, she is 2 and I don't expect her to grow any more and I want to keep her at 23-25 pds to be healthy. Besides if I keep buying these cheap ones that don't fit good I have wasted my money.