I like it its different.
If you are anything like me your dogs have lots of names anyway, Rufus answers to Bear at the moment which came about from the song Rupert the Bear which I used to sing to him! Fiji is sometimes called Flea or Felicity (Her show name is Zande Feleji), Kia answers to Kissy shortened from Kissy Keeks and so it goes on!
I have to admit to giving mine a few names too…
Gracie is grassy arse ( She got all excited when someone said gracias or however you spell it so she ends up being called grassy arse now :D ) or Gravy (again, got all excited when someone mentioned Gravy :o ).
Delilah is Lilah, Lils, Lily.
Riley is Crickey ( as in Crickey O'Riley :D ) or just Ry.
And poor Maya gets called MyMy at home :o
Chloe our old lab is Chlodagh or Da Pig :D Thanks to my brother for the second one lol!
Beau is The Bobo!
And Cassia gets called Cassandra when she has been bad!
Its terribly confusing at times :rolleyes: