Trembling/shaking for no reason??

  • Tayda does this… Lenny doesn't. I think Tayda does it when she is cold or nervous...

  • sharron- i would love to check out those sweaters! thanks!!

  • You can find the on E-bay…. from Sally

  • Check out this site…My b 's and l love these sweaters.

  • thanks sharron! they look nice and comfy. i like how you dont have to put the front legs through holes or sleeves. I'm def. thinking about ordering one of these!

  • Mine does this but clearly when he's cold (like sitting out on the deck after the sun goes down). It sounds like your little beastie is just chilled - but if he does it even with covers/sweaters I would have it checked by the vet.

  • We put a sweater on Dash in the winter and a coat for him to go outside. Even with the sweater he crawls under the covers or lays by the heater for warmth.

  • Bought She-Ra a sweater last trip to obedience training. She was shaking and obviously cold…the rest of my group helped find one that worked for her and now she's all dolled up. The wife thinks I should have picked up something more feminine, but I'm more about's a good warm sweater, it was on sale, and it's her own fault for sending out a guy to buy clothes! 🙂

  • @torchsong:

    Bought She-Ra a sweater last trip to obedience training. She was shaking and obviously cold…the rest of my group helped find one that worked for her and now she's all dolled up. The wife thinks I should have picked up something more feminine, but I'm more about's a good warm sweater, it was on sale, and it's her own fault for sending out a guy to buy clothes! 🙂

    Good for you! Would love to see She-Ra in her sweater. I'll bet your DW will put a new sweater on her next shopping list. Soon She-Ra will need her own closet - hee hee 😃

  • My b's love the Sally Wallis sweaters.
    They come over "ask" to have them put on in the cold am.

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