• Soooo, Sorry I have been away so long. We have had another group of visitors (so lucky we live in Florida! Ha!) In the summer we often turn into a Holiday Inn for our family as we live in the middle of the state, close to everything! Anyway - our little girl does not seem to crazy about having all these visitors! Last week we purchased two blow up mattresses for extra places for people to sleep. I made all of the beds in prep. for them being at our house in a couple of hours. Well in a matter of 30 minutes, Trixie jumped up on every freshly made bed and went pee!!!!!!! I could have killed her! I think I understand why she did this (marking her territory?) but I of course had to strip everything and wash and remake beds. Has anyone else ever had this problem? Gotta love her even though she drives me CRAZY!!!!!!!:eek:

  • Thankfully [& knock on wood] Dallas has only ever peed the bed twice & both times were when he was sleeping as a pup & just didn't wake up. We moved into a new house but no marking the beds so I have been lucky.

    Sometimes you just want to rip your hair out after they do these things huh? Haha.

  • When I would travel for work, Dakota would jump up and pee on my bed every time he saw me packing. After having to do laundry in the middle of the night a few times, I ended up packing a day or two early so I had extra time to get the sheets washed.

  • When my husband packs to go out of town, he does it behind closed doors. You learn that lesson pretty quickly when you have to rewash your clothes the night before going out of town because your dog pees in your suitcase.

    As far as visitors, though, my parents were just in town for a week, and Jack decided he liked them more than us and even started sleeping in their room instead of with us. I think this was mainly because I still had to work the first two days they were here, so they let him out and played with him during the day while I was gone. Can your visitors spend a little bit of time with your dog when they first arrive to let her know that they are a valuable addition to the house- aka…they will pet her (and possibly treat her)?

  • @Robin_n_Jack:

    When my husband packs to go out of town, he does it behind closed doors. You learn that lesson pretty quickly when you have to rewash your clothes the night before going out of town because your dog pees in your suitcase.

    As far as visitors, though, my parents were just in town for a week, and Jack decided he liked them more than us and even started sleeping in their room instead of with us. I think this was mainly because I still had to work the first two days they were here, so they let him out and played with him during the day while I was gone. Can your visitors spend a little bit of time with your dog when they first arrive to let her know that they are a valuable addition to the house- aka…they will pet her (and possibly treat her)?

    Thats the problem they are all going to WDW and all of the attractions so they are also not home. Don't get me wrong she loves on anyone that comes in the house - (and tried to get in the suitcases etc.) But I was just thinking it's her way of saying hey this is mine. I guess thats the biggest problem Trixie thinks the entire house is hers!!!

  • Any way to babygate the areas off, so the folks can step over but she can't?

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