Chillin' in Florida
He, he…our thermostat is only set to 62!
VERY cute pics!
The other day after we came back from our walk, Senji was really cold. He went over to the space heater and gave me a little baroo to tell me to turn it on! :)
Betsey, It was warm at the park today, the boys would have loved it! None of my 3 will wear any sort of 'clothes', fortunately they are not cold-natured. They have been loving this 60-70 degree weather. Of course, they don't have to get up early and go out, they can wait till the sun is out and it has warmed up. I bought nice fleece lined, water repellant coats for them last year before we went to the mountains. I put the coats on them one damp cold morning and tried to take them for a walk. Not. They looked miserable and refused to move till I took the coats off!
Like Caesar, they do love to curl up in soft blankies!
Anne in Tampa
I keep the house temp on the cool side and if he's too chilled EL D will either head for his doggie basket or hover in front of the heating vent. Or snuggle next to me if I'm sitting on the couch.
They are so funny arent they. Yesterday I put them in the backyard for a bit while I was in the front yard. I come back and peek at them from the kitchen window. They are glued to each other shivering in a sliver of sun on the porch!
I got savannah a sweater and when i put it on her she just stood still , didnt want to move around.
Ha! She'll get used to it. The boys dont want me to take them off! It is the part that touches their leg that they have to get used to. One wash and it will fit perfectly!
EL D has a coat type that snaps around his chest and under ribcage. However he doesn't like the back end because it will cover part of his tail. I have to make sure his tail is on top of the coat or he goes whacko.
I can imaging the whacko basenji. Too cute!
I think I was redundant – whacko - basenji -- sorry :)