• Hi everyone I need some help. As I've posted in other locations my brother recently got a gorgeous tri B. But I'm having trouble locating the breeder. I was wondering if anyone's heard of her. Benita Wilkerson. And the breeder of the dad was william maynard and the mom luise acuna. Anyone heard of any of them? I don't mean to make this forum long but it is…there are a number of reasons I want to know. Doesn't the breeder have a right to know that this B was sold to someone else? He's 7 mos not neutered and great confirmation but knows nothing, is it to late to start show training? And I'm interested in using him for breeding, way down the road so I really want to know more about his genetic history and talk to his breeder. If his breeding turned out to be a "back yard breeding" is it ok to breed him if he passes all his tests?

  • have have pedigrees for each parent but not all the dogs on it have ofa#s

  • @satieo:

    have have pedigrees for each parent but not all the dogs on it have ofa#s

    Who is the sire and the dam?….

  • Oh and as far as the breeder knowing if sold… that would depend if there was a contract.... most responsible breeders have contracts that state if the pup/adult needs to be given up for any reason, it comes back immediately to the breeder...

    As far as breeding, you need to ask the hard questions... 1. What does he have to offer the breed? 2. No responsible breeder will use him is he is not shown in the conformation ring or in the performance ring.... 3. Of course not only his health testing, but you need to know his pedigree along with the vertical pedigree (sisters. brothers, aunts, uncles, neices, nephews...etc) and you need to be willing/able to be responsible for anything you produce... as in if it needs a home you will provide.... of course all this is my opinion and how I consider breeding and myself as a breeder

  • dam Kaya Rain and sire O'Sirius Ruler of Anubus how do you find them?

  • thanx for the advice….do you think that's for both parents?...my initial plan was to get a bitch pup, show, and if all goes well breed her with a stud that's not mine so I can focus on her. But he just kinda fell in my grasp...If I get an good bitch should I still not breed with him even if all he does is pass his tests....of course I'll have contracts and take any dog back at any age...I want to do it right. That's why i've waited so long and plan to wait longer till I'm ready and understand.

  • IMO, there's a lot more to breeding than one might realize. I would suggest before you make any definitive plans that you find yourself a mentor…a responsible breeder who can help you along your path. Researching the breed itself and getting a firm grasp of B genetics should also be a requirement. Breeding should be (once again, IMO) done with the top priority being to better the breed.

    From what I've determined, there are not a whole lot of people willing to put in the "blood, sweat and tears" that are inherent to being a reputable breeder. It is definitely not something to be undertaken on a whim...just because a breeding opportunity fortuitously arises.

    Good luck to you, whatever your decisions may be.

  • @satieo:

    dam Kaya Rain and sire O'Sirius Ruler of Anubus how do you find them?

    Go to Sally W site for pedigrees…http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com

    Here is the dam side.. and pretty much BYB or PM breeding.. you need to look past the "CH" in the pedigree as they are further back.. and there is no health testing at all…


    Here is the other side of the pedigree… again.. pretty far back for any health testing

    Do not get hung up on dogs in the pedigree that have "CH" in the name… you have to look at all the dogs in the pedigree...

    And not all dogs that are "CH" are/should be bred.. I have many in my kennel that I have shown to their championship and have never bred... there are many things that go into breeding.. health, temperament, conformation, performance.. and first and formost.. a family companion.

  • @satieo:

    dam Kaya Rain and sire O'Sirius Ruler of Anubus how do you find them?

    Go to Sally W site for pedigrees…http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com

    Here is the dam side.. and pretty much BYB or PM breeding.. you need to look past the "CH" in the pedigree as they are further back.. and there is no health testing at all…


    Here is the other side of the pedigree… again.. pretty far back for any health testing

    Do not get hung up on dogs in the pedigree that have "CH" in the name… you have to look at all the dogs in the pedigree...

    And not all dogs that are "CH" are/should be bred.. I have many in my kennel that I have shown to their championship and have never bred... there are many things that go into breeding.. health, temperament, conformation, performance.. and first and formost.. a family companion.

  • opps, sorry that was posted twice

  • I do have a reputable breeder nearby that is willing to help but I like to get other opnions as well. trust I'm not ready to breed anytime soon and therefore wont.

  • thats interesting theres a dog that repeats in each pedigree Juju's pistol pete…

  • @satieo:

    I do have a reputable breeder nearby that is willing to help but I like to get other opnions as well. trust I'm not ready to breed anytime soon and therefore wont.

    Wonderful! The more information you can gather, the better! And a nearby mentor is a blessing! 🙂

  • yes, I was very excited when I found debbie. I just hope I can become reputable as well. It takes so much.

  • If you plan on getting a girl to show and if she turns out health, temperament, and conformation-wise to breed, then usually the route taken is to look for a stud that will compliment the girl and take you in the direction you want to go. So even if this boy does finish his championship and does check out healthwise, he may still not be a good match for your future girl and you will not have the vertical information that you would get from a responsible bred stud dog.

    Planning a litter is a lot of work and it is good if you have a good mentor to help you pour over pedigrees, health information, and look at the actual dogs so you can make a good match. Getting other opinions can be helpful in showing a direction that you may not have seen otherwise but you also need to know what your own goals are.

  • Thanx again for all the advice….I'll get him neutered, it's disappointing cause he is a looker and great disposition. But that's not all I want to breed for. Pedigree is important and I understand that. And even if I convinced my brother (his owner) to let me show him I wouldn't be able to keep up with it because he lives 3 hrs from me. AH well, at least he has a good home now.
    I'm sure everyone here will get sick of me 😃 I ask a ton of questions

  • @satieo:

    Thanx again for all the advice….I'll get him neutered, it's disappointing cause he is a looker and great disposition. But that's not all I want to breed for. Pedigree is important and I understand that. And even if I convinced my brother (his owner) to let me show him I wouldn't be able to keep up with it because he lives 3 hrs from me. AH well, at least he has a good home now.
    I'm sure everyone here will get sick of me 😃 I ask a ton of questions

    This is how we all learn, by asking the questions…. keep asking!!!!

  • @satieo:

    thats interesting theres a dog that repeats in each pedigree Juju's pistol pete…

    this usually happens with BYB's and PM breedings… they get one or two dogs and just keep breeding them to uncles/aunts/sister/brother....

    Juju's Pistol Pete was a good dog, however, there are some in his line that have produced bad hips... so line breeding on him could be not a good thing

  • We actually got our B's from the same person. Funny that I was trying to find someone who got their pups from the same person myself. She's a backyard breeder. Unfortunately we learned this after the fact.

    I would NOT breed your dog. We love our boys, but they've had their fair share of health problems that are genetic. Watch out for demodetic mange and a luxating patella. Our one B is also on Atopica for skin problems.
    Wonderful disposition though. We're also going to be getting them tested for Fanconi.

    If you want her address and such let me know and I can email you the info.

  • Sounds like you have lots of good info on these posts.
    Good luck.

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