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Evergreen Basenji Club

Basenji Meetups & Events
  • Come one, Come all

    The Evergreen Basenji Club, Inc.
    AKC. Licensed / Basenji Club of America, Inc. Affiliate
    38th Annual Specialty Show and
    30th Annual Futurity – 22nd Annual Maturity
    4th Obedience Trial – 2nd Rally Trial
    These Events will be Unbenched and will be held Outdoors

    Friday, August 4, 2006 - ASFA Speciality Lure Field Trial

    137 Dogs for 185 Entries
    145 Conformation • 26 Futurity/Maturity • 4 Jr. Showmanship • 1 Obedience • 9 Rally

    Friday, August 4, 2006 – Futurity & Maturity + Obedience & Rally
    Saturday, August 5, 2005 – Specialty
    Argus Ranch Facilities for Dogs
    35612 212th Way SE, Auburn, WA 98092-9014

    BayRay Events

  • Bryan,
    Can Basenjis that are not running be brought to the lure coursing events?
    Or is that discouraged.

    I would like to come and see what it's all about and to watch the dogs fly, and if possible would like to bring Jazz, just for a little more practice in the car.
    I may not make it at all Friday, but just in case. . .

  • Yes,
    Coursing starts at 7:00am and runs to approximatly noon

  • This was so fun!

    I wish Jazzy would have been more enthused. Well, she was a little at the beginning until that beautiful sun began to warm her . . . . and she turned into, as one passerby noted, "a dead dog". LOL
    Still, watching her run in the yard this evening {after things began to cool off, LOL}, I KNOW she could run. Could you all put on some events in our backyard some lovely summer evening? LOL
    I really enjoyed watching the dogs run. It was fun to see how each dog's personality could come through a bit even as they ran. I hope to make it to some more lure coursing events in the future.
    Awesome dogs!

  • This is such a wonderful event weekend. B's fri-sun!
    If your planning on attending, try to get tickets to the banquet on sat.
    Lots of nice chatting, food, and some cool basenji auction items for the auction.

  • Hi Sharron,
    I am interested in attending the event, but am not sure how Ginger will do with the other dogs. Do you have a time schedule of the various activities?

  • I wouldn't bring her, just because there is really no cool place to keep her while your talking, and if you have dinner, no place to put her while you eat.
    Also, the show dogs aren't up for "visits" with other dogs…its pretty much
    showing and crates with walkies for, leave Ginger home and come shopping and visiting.
    I am staying fri afternoon - sun and my dogs are staying home.
    That is my advice.
    Oh, you can also find lots of vendors who have ton's of stuff for b's.
    Collars, chews, etc.

  • Hi Sharron! You'll be hearing from me a lot over the next few months, as I'm moving up to Seattle with my two furkids. Wanted to check specifically on coursing: does Evergreen B club host coursing events? If so, where do they take place? Thanks much! ~ Lori ~

    This is a wonderful club and they will welcome anyone who has basenjis or wants to learn about this wonderful breed.
    The lure coursing, the rally classes they have are the best.
    I wish all of you could enjoy this great basenji club.

  • I would like to become a member, however I do not know Ginger's history. Can I still join?

  • Oh, yes…all you have to do is attend a few meetings and get 2 sponsers...well, one sponser, as I will sponser you!

  • Hi Sharron,
    Thank you for your sponsorship. When is the next meeting?

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    I must agree that naive, first-time wanne-be owners need to do deep, extensive research. Basenjis are supremely unique and definitely not a good choice for a "beginner." I adopted an 18-month old 3/4 Basenji (other 1/4 is Min Pin, yet another quirky little breed, with some "bad" similarities to B's). I was somewhat familiar with B's, but not even a little bit of "enough!!" Gosh, Izzy-Bella was a piperoo!! A little 18 pound bundle of energy, destruction, and escapism. BUT, I have always loved bad boys (9 years working in a high school), so a little bad girl was a sort of delight. But, again, it takes many years before these dogs mellow out and mature and maximize their amazing intelligence. Izzy is SO SO smart: her early unbridled destructiveness has pretty much ended, and now, at ten years old, she amazes us every day with her intelligence, innate understanding, observational skills, language acumen, and comedic skills. And at ten years old, she acts like a three year old! I hope this means she will live forever. Once you have bonded with a Basenji, you are probably done and gone. But first-timers REALLY need to do their research and homework. Someone referred to entrusting their dog to a family member. I would entrust my B to nobody except a bona fide Vet hospital/kennel, with big-time fences and enclosures, B's are exceptional diggers-under-fences and escape artists. And a Number One cause of death for them is traffic. Their prey instinct sends them careening into traffic. Dumber than deer. But, bottom line: do your due diligence Basenji research, and understand early on that these dogs are singularly unique: indescribably destructive; escape artists; independent thinkers and behaviorists; smarter than you can even begin to imagine (I swear my Izzy understands everything I say and reads my mind!); and prepare to have lots of tissues on hand as auxiliary food, because apparently, Basenjis require wood pulp projects to prosper!! I don't get it.
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    @DebraDownSouth: Oh Pat, for crying out loud, cause I obviously need a combination of more sleep and caffeine I saw UK and thought United Kingdom. My daughter says I don't have to look for a nursing home, they're looking for me some days. :) I'd delete my post but it's pretty funny so I won't. LOL Debra…. take the caffeine! It is pretty funny!!!!!
  • RT 66 Basenji Club, St. Louis Missouri

    Basenji Meetups & Events
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    2 Posts
    What a nice turnout! Jennifer
  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Looking forward to meeting you at our event Lisa! FYI folks, Lisa will be one of our judges for the weekend! :)
  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts
    We're thinking about having another lure coursing fundraiser in November. It was so much fun this last time. Here is the photo album from the photographer. Lots of different breeds of dogs. And just to toot my own horn, here is a pic or two of my dogs from the album. Zoni - she's a natural, can't wait to run her for real. She has laser focus on the lure. Nemo - can't believe he actually coursed. He's a bit of a goof (and looks like a kangaroo in the pic :) ). I was more thrilled to watch him run than Zoni. He zoned out the second time to sniff some flowers and didn't complete the course. :D
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    Basenji Meetups & Events
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    15 Posts
    The gang in the picture "Basenji and rescue friends" where certainly entertaining but at the same time sad. One of the club members works for a Vet. Puppy mills bring in dogs for various reasons and sometimes after the Vet care is completed the Puppy mills figure they have too large of a bill and just don't come back to pick them up. This lady takes them in and she keeps them with her Basenji's. The Pug had both legs broken, and currently cannot use it's front legs, but somehow get's around…'s a touch sad to watch. The little Chi wha wha, had a broken leg and was in a cast. Hopefully it will heal correctly and it can walk without problem.....they just don't know. Good to know there's folks that have a kind heart and are willing to take in such sad cases that no one else wants. My son and I couldn't help looking at them in there and comparing them to the toys on the Isle of misfit toys from the Christmas cartoon. They really where cute with they're basenji foster mom.