Chance's First Win
Today at Sir Francis Drake Chance took first place for his age group, Best of Breed for a puppy and then a total shocker…he took fourth place in the puppy catagory in a variety group. I did not think he would even place but he performed great in front of different and much larger dogs.
He's asleep and I am exhausted. For his first win....I'm happy. It was a great day and there were so many beautiful Basenji's there. It was great to see everyone!!!! Can't wait for tomorrow...hopefully we have another good day....paws crossed :DWooHoo, go Chance… I am so happy for you!!!!!
Woo Hoo is right! Way to go Chance….you go Boy!;) :cool:
WTG, Chance! Take a well deserved nap!! Congrats to all!
Congratulations to Vanessa and Chance!!!! You must be so proud of your boy!!!
Wow!! WTG Chance (and Mom)!