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NAACP Supports Michael Vick's return to the NFL

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  • @Basenji_Boy:

    He merely made a mistake?:rolleyes:

    The NAACP didn't seem to take that stance with Imus for his off color comments…...they wanted him fired......... period.

    Can you say double standard?

    Good point, BBoy….seems like a mistake is more akin to a one time instance of poor judgement...not being involved in and funding a federally illegal "sport"...and being personally involved in inhumanely killing dogs....that doesn't really happen by mistake or accident...

    I don't want to defend Imus because I do think he was out of line with his comments...but I do certainly think that is more likely to be a poor judgement mistake than what Vick did.

  • I really hate how the NAACP and other Vick supporters are trying to turn this into a race thing…but indicating that dog fighting (mostly non-white) is no different than hunting (mostly white)...that only veils the issue that dog fighting is pure cruelty, getting enjoyment and monetary gain from watch animals try to kill each other....there certainly is no sport in that....

    And there are those arguing that people are more enraged by dog killing than people killing...but uh, no, I don't think so....the professional athletes who have killed people were banned from their leagues, and went to court. I don't hear anyone saying 'oh, but he made a mistake' let's not ruin his career....puuuhleeeese.....

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    He merely made a mistake?:rolleyes:

    The NAACP didn't seem to take that stance with Imus for his off color comments…...they wanted him fired......... period.

    Can you say double standard?

    Great Point!! I guess I will have to call NAACP AGAIN!!! Definately a double standard!!!

  • As horrible as dog fighting is, that's one thing. It's the killing of those animals that didn't measure up and how they where dispatched that has so much of America appauled.

    But let's welcome the new M.Vick back into the community????? Yeah, give me a break.

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    As horrible as dog fighting is, that's one thing. It's the killing of those animals that didn't measure up and how they where dispatched that has so much of America appauled.

    I completely agree…it shows ABSOLUTELY NO all....


    This is the man who wants vick to return to football. Please e-mail him and let him know WE DO NOT want Vick back in ANY sport.

  • I sent Mr. White an email of my opinion as a football fan with mainstream moral values that I deem critical in raising my children. People with high profile careers with celebrity status who participate in a sport venued as entertainment for family, should enjoy that privilege IF they demonstrate and exhibit high moral values and lifestyle qualities for proper mentoring and the right to be a "super hero" in a child's eye. M. Vick's actions speak louder than words! My son's #7 Vick jersey is trashed. In fact, all his friends, ages 8 thru 11 have ditched the name and jersey too. Children, read and watch TV. They know what he did. It's awful to explain to my son another way how dangerous some people are.

  • It was on the news last night…folks are sending the Vick jersey to the Atlanta humane society.
    They are letting the dogs sleep on them, and they are also used to clean up the kennels.
    Yes, this seems fitting to me.
    Now, if we can get the public to see this man for the damaged creature he is, keep him off the cleb status sites...
    it will be a win/win

  • Rumor has it Vick WON'T be admitting to the fighting of or killing of the dogs, just to the charge of interstate commerce for the purpose of dogfighting.

    Check out this article:

  • Jury pool would've looked something like this. Snoopy looks intense.:D

  • I do hope he is punished severely by every legal group he has to deal with.
    I do believe in kindness and redemption, but this goes beyond what I think
    should be forgiven.
    At least the dogs are not in harms way now.
    Poor little critters.

  • This jerk needs to do a 180 degree turn for forgiveness. I would like to see him serve, donate and advocate care for animal rights. But I'm not sure I'd trust his ability to be genuine.

  • Well, the football club is asking for the 22 mil back…so that must be a start at getting his attention.
    He was on the news today, saying he needed to "grow up" and taking responsibility...but then, he does have good lawyers, so time will tell if it just words.

  • Yep - bet he's got someone writing a script for him.

    Words are just words. "Actions speak louder than words". That is why I would like to see him advocate for animal rights. Like participating with PETA projects would mean more than saying "I need to grow up." He needs to take action so his words are credible.

  • Apparently actor Jamie Foxx is speaking up for Vick:

    Also read where the Humane Society has jerseys/shirts (in Vick colors I might add) for sale that says "Real Heros don't fight Dogs" "Dogfighting is not a sport"! Check out the shirts:

  • I like the shirts a lot.
    They did a report on the dog fighting in Chicago last night.
    One in five children has been to one in their city.
    I was shocked.
    This is turning the light on something very ugly.
    I so hope it turns peoples thinking around…its no "sport" its barbaric.

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    Jury pool would've looked something like this. Snoopy looks intense.:D

    I'd like to see "Clifford" as the foreman on that jury.

  • @nala121498:

    I'd like to see "Clifford" as the foreman on that jury.

    :D :D :D

    I've always been a big fan of Ren HoeK.

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    :D :D :D

    I've always been a big fan of Ren HoeK.

    Yeah, he'd be great to see there too!;)

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