What does your basenji like to rip?
LOL he Tries tho, My husband hates that the most, lol…
Who needs an electric shredder when you have a Basenji!!! Blackjack likes to do paper - she pulls the newspaper or mail and makes sure to thrash it around, then shred it to confetti. She's my guard against identity theft.
It might be easier to list what theyu dont like to shred-
Tissues have to be favorites with use though. They will sneak up behind you and take them right out of your pocket. Little theives!
OH, dryer sheets!!! and Stuffed animals! Thats Jacks favorite. (great when my son is born i might as well not buy him anything stuffed. Jack doesnt know whats his and whats not when it comes to that…)
Most of the time my 2 furkids only chew their toys or bones but occasionally Mom gives them a papertowel roll or some paper to shred. They are so lucky:D . but today we weren't paying attention and Shelby and Vince decided Dad's hat needed shredding. Of course neither of them is guilty of the crime. They gave us the "not me" look. They truly are toddlers in dog suits.:)
dryer sheets after they come out of the dryer. they love those things….
Senji usually only shreads things when he's frustrated. Mostly it's paper napkins or kleenex. Lately he's been getting into the closet where I keep the gift bags and wrapping paper. He really likes the tissue paper in the gift bags. For Christmas, or for someone's birthday, he likes to "help" you open your present. :D
It might be easier to list what theyu dont like to shred-
I was thinking along simliar lines.
Q: What do your Basenjis like to rip?
A: Anything that is currently in one piece! ;)
Helix is a chewer/shredder. Metinga is just a shredder.
Metinga likes to ripe up: kleenexs, toilet paper, paper towel, stuffed squeeky toys (but primarily just wants the squeeker), garbage bags (mostly w/the garbage in it). Will chew beef chews and bully sticks if Helix starts on it first (she had 8 teeth extracted and can not chew really hard items).Helix on the other hand gets into everything (I think it is a puppy/adolesent thing!): one year ago when we first got him he chewed on the corners of our wood bed and the drawer handles of the tallboy that my grandpa made. Good thing they had no stain on them b/c I just sanded the surface smooth again. However the nightstands my grandpa also made was not as easy to fix. Helix chewed and pulled an entire corner off one of them. I spent half an hour one day trying to glue pieces back on. To solve that little chewing problem I douced it all in Bitter Yuck. I have to agree w/them there- it is yuck (I accidentally inhaled some of it myself):p He has not chewed wood since!
His list of destruction is as follows: any kind of paper and paper products, plastic garbage cans (our Umbra bathroom garbage can has broken pieces all around the rim of the can!), plastic pop bottles (he has this thing w/chewing the caps off), this could be a very long list, so to sum it up: paper products, any kind of plastic products (toothbrushes too), foam and fiberfill products (quilts, pillows, his dog bed, mattress….)When we got Metinga at 5yrs of age, we could not understand how her teeth could be so worn down and broken, but now that I see how Helix chews it is understandable. So I watch close attention to what he chews so his teeth do not end up as bad as hers. That's why when they are restless I give them beef chews, it keeps them out of trouble and out of my hair!:D
I don't give them rawhides anymore now that I had discovered beef chews. Rawhides they always end up choking and gagging it back up, beef chews there is no gagging or choking.
Rhonda- Helix and Tang's mom
Jazzy really doesn't tear anything any more, except the occasional paper towel tube. Oh, and at Christmas she was THRILLED w/the empty tubes from the wrapping paper – paper towel tubes on steroids! -- and her own stuffed toys.
Keoki tears paper towel tubes, paper, tags on things, flip-flop straps, stuffed toys, whatever is in his crate when he gets put in it when I go out, the rug in front of my kitchen sink, magazines.. AND the occasional ink pen. -
Jodie, I wanted to add to make sure Lillie is well exercised. Dash chews mostly when he has not got to run that day. Other wise he is passed out asleep.
I completely agree….. a good Basenji is a tired Basenji!:D
I always know when our 2 have not had enough exercise.......they are restless and get into everything!:DHelix and Metinga's mom
Well, i guess im lucky for now, Jack isnt interested in ripping anything except HIS blanket, and ONLY when hes angry or REALLY excited (when we play). and he gets corrected when he does that (and i catch him) lol. He also gets these random Surges of energy and does a little jump circle thing or rolls hid head in a circle. (LOL) hes so weird sometimes, MUST be a Basenji thing, I wouldnt understand…
Yes, I have to agree it is all a B thing…... Metinga does the jump circles too and both her and Helix do the head spins/stands. Helix rips up only our blanket, not his and that's usually b/c he is teasing Metinga -Tang hates it when he pulls on the quilt- she barks and snaps at him, that only gets him excited and encourages him more- until I put a stop to it as well!
Helix and Metang's mom:)
Oh - and Keoki loves to chew my dd's work shoes – luckily has only torn shoe laces so far.
She works in the deli section of a grocery store, and fries chicken all day, then she comes home and leaves her greasy ol' shoes by the front door.
Then she yells when the puppy grabs them and starts chewing.
She asks, "Can't you train your dog to leave things alone?" My response --
"I've been trying for 20 years to train my human to put away her shoes and that hasn't worked. What makes you think I can train a dog to do anything?"
LOL{I've also noticed that when he's naughty he's "Your dog", but when her friends are over and he's being cute then he's "OUR dog" or sometimes even "My dog". }
Squiggy loves paper and tissue.
He also confettis everything. Little tiny pieces, like there is a party all the time.
He loves to gut his stuffed animals.
In "his room" I have to be careful what I leave in there.
This is my sitting room, so there is an antique iron twin bed that I once had turned into a cute couch thing. Bolster pillows, a duvet cover….Yeah, it is a bed with a mattress pad and a table cloth for a cover held on with sheet attacher things. The table cloths are cheaper than pretty duvet covers.
he also likes to pretend he is Zorro and leave his signature everywhere. His is a perfect little square about an inch around. I have way too many blankets with a little square missing.
My Mom was watching Squiggy one day and he and her BRAT Petey were running in the house. She decided she could get a quick shower in and when she was done she found a little square missing on her brand new couch. She blamed both of them and said "it could have been either". But I knew.
I ended up paying for the repair (which was wonderfully done and now you cant tell) and told her "I would get this one". Yeah, no doubt in my mind who did it. -
Do any of you find one dog destroying another one's favorite toys out of spite?
we have to hide our male dogs favorite toys because the female gets jeoulous and will later carry them off and rip them apart, but not her favorite toys.
also she does not like to play with his toys for the most part.
If you want to see something funny, open the perfume packets that come in magazines. Put them open on the floor and stand back.
My dogs just go nuts on them!
Makes them smell nice as well. -
Do any of you find one dog destroying another one's favorite toys out of spite?
we have to hide our male dogs favorite toys because the female gets jeoulous and will later carry them off and rip them apart, but not her favorite toys.Yes I have noticed this actually with our female. I don't know if it is out of jelousy, spite or what but she always just wants to pull the stuffing out of everything. Our male takes a particular interest in a stuffed squeeky toy and all she wants to do is rip it apart and pull out the squeeker. So I am always pulling toys away from her and giving them back to him to play with b/c I don't want her wrecking them for him!
Tang and Helix's mom..:)
Do any of you find one dog destroying another one's favorite toys out of spite?
we have to hide our male dogs favorite toys because the female gets jeoulous and will later carry them off and rip them apart, but not her favorite toys.
also she does not like to play with his toys for the most part.
LOL!! Duke LOVES to play with a ball. Daisy doesn't see any use for them, except to rip up (tennis balls). I bought a rip-proof ball just for Duke so we can play catch. Last night, Daisy had this ball for the sole purpose of driving Duke crazy. She wouldn't let him have it and acted like it was her favorite chew. I could tell she was thinking "ha-ha! I got it and I'm not letting you have it!" Duke tried getting it from her, but she wouldn't let him. He began to cry, bark and moan some awful sounds. It was hilarious to watch. (you had to be there)
…"I've been trying for 20 years to train my human to put away her shoes and that hasn't worked. What makes you think I can train a dog to do anything?"...
That is a beautiful response!