What Food And How Much??
Dash R/W 20lbs. he gets 1/2 cup Iams minichuncks and 1/2 cup Merrick mixed with water. It is gone in 15 mins.
That long? LOL. Keoki polishes off his food w/in 30 seconds. :D Of course, he only has 3/4 cup, so it's about 1/4 cup less . . .
Jazzy, being a lady and all, takes a bit under five minutes to eat.
Sahara, R/W, l.6 yrs. She eats Merrick's Grammy Pot Pie dry mixed with water, 1/2 cup along with 1/2 cup wet, 2 times , she weighs 22lbs., I also try other varieties of Merrick's, her favorites are, Pot Pie, Turducken, Wingling, Harvest Moon. She eats this better than anything I have ever given her, for a special treat I give her scrambled eggs mixed with sliced ham. She is the perfect size and has muscular legs.
My kids are on Blue Buffalo (chicken & sweet potato). Both are R/W.
Lexi is 17lbs and about 6.5 yrs old. She's our tiny little tang.
Miles is our great unknown (age?) and he's due for his comprehensive exam in a couple of weeks and I'll be interested to see how much he weighs now. We got him skin & bones from the pound… and he was 29 back then. I thought he was getting closer to 40lbs, but after seeing another 40lb Basenji, I think he might still be closer to 30... :) Maybe 35.
They free feed and between the two of them consume a little over 2 cups a day.
Innova EVO Red Meat Dry Dog Food…..1 1/2 cups for most all.....some more some less. We throw in various veggies and whatever healthy leftovers we have at times.
Alot of you guys give your basenji's veggies with their food…What kind? I might try it with Jackers!! Esp. if its healthy and a generally good idea for basenjis!!
With my two, it's just about ANY veggie.
Favorites are steamed brocolli and asparagas; cabbage – cooked or raw; carrots --cooked or raw,but raw is preferred. WARNING: brocolli, asparagas, and cabbage give Keoki DEADLY gas!!!
Keoki also likes celery, but Jazz does not. {watch those strings}Favorite fruits are watermelon {although, it makes Keoki pee A LOT} and blueberries {I love to watch them pick those off the bushes!}.
interesting!! I know Jack doesnt like raw celery or carrots. He has eaten cooked greenbeans before (they fell on the floor) and the only other thing we have is corn…lol. That would be fun im sure during "clean up" outside, lol
Sahara eats veggies also, she loves cooked carrots (hates raw), broccoli, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, and fruits, watermelon, apples, cantaloupe. Loves sweet potatoes also, it is in Merrick's wet foods.
Magnum is fed mostly a raw meat/bones/organs diet. He won't touch a raw vegetable or fruit, but he will, on occasion, eat baby food veggies/fruit, which, at this point (after much experimentation), is what I offer him with regards to fruits and veggies. I'm of the opinion that they're not necessary for health purposes.
I personally believe, after a lot of research, that raw veggies and fruit aren't doing him much, if any, good (dogs' digestive system don't seem up to the task of digesting most raw veggies and fruits), although pulverized veggies/fruits (baby food), not given as a staple of his diet, can provide some nutritional benefit.
This is all JMO, of course.
Well I don't have a B yet, but..lol
Reggie, Boxer, 5yrs, white, eats Solid Gold Hund-N-Flocken 1cup 2x a day, plus a daily banana (we share), random fuits and veggies, cuts from meats (usually before cooking, unless cooked unseasoned then after). Once a week shares a 5.5 ounce can of chicken or turkey with the cat:lmao - I feel like I'm writing him a dating add
Max 3 yrs neutered weighs 13 kg´s he weighed even more when I got him he eats Hill´s prescription diet R/D aprx 3 decilitres/day and I give him a drop of omega 3 and 6 oil for his scruffy fur(hormonal changes due to neutering according to his vet).
Myran 8 months weighs 11kg´s and is slim as a whippet (so how can he weigh this much already) he eats Precept Adult Plus aprx 3,5-4 decilitres/day with a dose of Salmopet oil to keep his fur shiny.Twice a week they get an egg yolk. -
Topper,12; Nicky 10, ; and Eddie 8 all eat a combination of 3/4 EVO by Innova, and 1/4 regular adult Innova. We free feed, dry kibble is down all the time, but I think I put about 3 cups out a day, some days they eat it all but some days I don't add kibble at all. Mine do get a bit of whatever we have for dinner, mostly veges, they love all veges as long as they are cooked, especially broccoli and sweet potatoes. IT acts as an appetizer, as soon as they finish their plates they run to the kibble bowls to finsih their dinner.
We used cheaper grocery store foods for many years but I felt my dogs deseerved a better quality food so tried several premium brands and settled on Innova. Then when they came out with EVO, I slowly added that but when I went 100% EVO, their poops were a bit loose, so we re-added the regular Innova and it seems to suit them perfectly. Eddie's coat was very coarse when we rescued him, he is soft and silky now. Even though it costs about twice as much as the cheaper stuff, I know they are getting good nutrition and their coats glow and their teeth are clean, so it is worth every cent to me. We are what we eat, and if we eat 'animal by products' (hooves, bones, feathers and even sawdust in some) sprayed with flavors and dyed with food colorings, we may be saving money now, but inviting health probelms in the future. Just MHO, but strangers compliment my dogs on their gloss and vigor!Anne in Tampa, off the soapbox