Okay, deep growling..when moving Tobias?

  • Everyone's advise here is very good and as always not one thing is good for everyone. I do have a ? though regarding the treat/bribe. So should you always use this method eventhough the dog might not always object to being moved? I ask this because my B doesn't always growl/snap I guess it depends on his mood but how would I know that until the actual aggressive/dislike reaction comes out?

  • If your dog sometimes growls and sometimes doesn't, I would use the calling off and then reward method since you don't know which he will do.

  • honestly, I do not accept the growling from any of my basenjis wether it is attack growling or grumpy gus sounds. I address it at the moment I see it. If it is a grumpy gus, I move him so he knows it isnt acceptable and do not acknowledge the bad behavior. I typically laugh at Caesar when he gets grumpy.:D

    If they are really grumpy and not fangs out, just non stop grumpy, I typically hold Caesar down in that position and talk in a tone that lets him know that behavior isnt okay. Then follow with some sort of affection. Slight scolding.:rolleyes:

    If it is unacceptable fangy type growling that could lead into fighting with another dog or harming someone and I have already established I am alpha and mom (and am respected by my dogs as the greatest authority)…I will close the muzzle and physically put the basenji into a chill position (lie down on the side) and talk in a tone to establish the behavior isnt acceptable.

    Then I will carry the basenji to the kennel and he or she will stay in there until there is not growling, crying or whining. Once there is no sound, I will let them out of the kennel and require a sit or a down first to establish I am in charge.

    I really believe eye contact is important :eek: when you are having a serious talk. I do not typically stop talking to my basenjis about their bad behavior in my mom is no happy tone, until they look away. That is my sign that they give in.

    I never have to do more than use the mom tone, eye contact and training commands to get my point across. There is never a need to physically hurt, yell or ever give a treat that could be related to bad behavior.

    That is my take.

    This method works so well that if I catch really bad behavior with any of the basenjis and whip out the darth vadar mom voice when saying their name only:mad: , I get an immediate sit or down without even asking from across the room.

  • It's funny because when I call my B by his full name he knows it's seriouse I'll say Champion enough or stop and he's look at me like I'm in trouble. My husband laughs at me.

  • The process you describe to not get bit (holding her neck), wouldn't work >>with Magnum, he sleeps very lightly.

    I guess I don't understand this…... when I hold the dog that way and move it, the dog is awake and snarky about being expected to move. I don't do it when the dog is asleep. When the dog is asleep, I say its name so it knows I am there, then touch the shoulder/back to awaken it, then say something along the lines of "Let's go" or whatever to indicate I want the dog to move.

    It's when the dog gets snarky that I do my lift and scoop.
    That's one reason I like the size of the Basenji -- I couldn't do that if it were a rottweiler.

  • it is an very old disagreement between positive reinforcement trainers and >>punishment trainers.

    With my dogs {and my kids} I use positive reinforcement and "punishment", depending on the dog and the situation.
    I don't think either one is the right way in every situation.

  • When Duke does something unacceptable and I say "Bad boy Duke", he tries getting back on my good side right away. He don't like "bad boy"! Daisy's still learning what's acceptable, but when I say "DAISY!!" She stops whatever it is and swaggers slowly over to me. I do my mommy "babble" and then a quick little pet to show her we're square. I just can't be angry with them . . . They're too cute!

  • My trainer suggested the empty can with pennies when Champ dosen't respond to the "NO". Whenever that can goes down he stops immediatly and looks at me from the corner of his eye and walks away with his head down. After a few seconds he starts walking slowly to me still with his head low and very little eye contact and lays practicaly on top of me and falls asleep. Little brat knows just how to melt my heart. I do make him suffer for a while, o.k maybe a few minutes then I can't help myself and I give in.

  • the penny thing never worked for me.

  • It works wonders for us except we have to use it sparingly so he dosen't catch on to it not being a threat

  • He's a little fraidy cat sometimes

  • Ha, Ha. The penny thing didn't work with Toby either. But a spray bottle with water works wonders. Its so funny now, all I have to do is say "no" or "annt", and he shakes like I just sprayed him. Everytime he is told no he shakes the imaginary water off. LOL Too funny. He hates to get wet. And loved the rattle of the can, wanted to play with it.:)

  • See and for me the spray bottle only worked until Champ realized he could lick it off and continue whatever he was doing. They are hilariouse.

  • Jack responds differently to the spray bottle, he runs away and then he will just come right back. He doesnt do well with any kind of punishment really or positive guidence. i assume its because we rescued him last year and he was four, and had been abused. He seems to be more affected by my husband telling him no than me, but we can tell he knows Im alfa female and my husband is alfa male. He HATES the crate and the mussle the most, so when he is REALLY bad (hardly never) we mussle him. and thats ALL that really works. (for me anyway) its frustrating sometimes…but we get thru it.

  • Both my b's are under the covers with me at night.
    Cody goes down to my feet, and Shasta is up on the second pillow.
    Sometimes Cody gets too hot and moves up to be next to Shasta and myself.
    Then, when Shasta moves, Cody gowles…..
    He finds me pinning him down, saying this is NOT ok.
    I hold him until he looks away and licks his lips.
    We had to do this a few times, but now, I just have to raise the covers and Look at him and tell him to KNOCK it off!
    He looks away and stops.
    Sigh...nothing like this happening at 2am in the morning.
    But its so funny...when I am at the computer and we have 3 dog beds right next to me, they both end up together in one!
    So, its just a "I want that spot" growl...in my case.

  • Oh yea, Jack does that. and when he first did it it scared me, and then i got mad and pushed him completely off the bed. "THIS IS MY bed!! i dont THINK so!!" grr…

  • Oh, that works as well…b's get the message very quickly that growling isn't cool!

  • This has been a good thread. I have learned some new things. Joey does the really growly stuff with my kids when they try to move him. He will stop eventually, but when I tell him to knock it off, he stops immediately. He never growls, I like to say grumbles, at me. In my case, I don't think Joey would nip. He thinks he is number 2 and that's why he gets away with it with the kids. They think it's funny. I am still trying to get the kids to establish their dominance with Joey, but I don't think that will happen except with one of the kids. We have had Joey for almost one year. Anyway even though I am truly a Level 1 basenji owner, maybe level 0, and level 1 dog owner for that matter, I think that it is a B characteristic.

  • Have you taken your dog to a training class?
    Brought the kids and let them work the dog with walking, sit, stay?
    Might help everyone realize where they are in the family order.
    How old are the kids and where did you get your basenji from?

  • My new b (7 months old) growls very threatenly like yours. Also like yours, I don't press the issue. I do try petting, soft talk, and then try again, but usually let it go for awhile and try again. Sometimes in a couple hours I can get him moved from my bed to the crate, and other times he spends the night in my my bed.
    I haven't been bitten yet, but he has me convinced he would. We've only had him a few weeks, and hoping to over come it. My girl, Duchess, has NEVER growled in way with us.
    You seem to be the only response on here that gets a convincing growling like I do. I have often read that some B's wake up grouchy, but this happens to me if he has just gotten comfortable not even asleep. So, I'm working on the problem hoping to over come it.

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