Nick names
Jazzy is Jazz-ma-tazz or Jazzers …..or sometimes just "Bitch", LOL, depending on how she's treating Keoki at the moment.
My kids call Keoki "Cokers", but I'm not sure where that quite came from.
And Gypsy -- though not a B -- answers to "G", "G-G", "Gypsy-doodle-dog"
:) Baby Girl
Mommy's Girl
Daddy's Girl
Girly Girl
Little Sh++
Spoiled Brat
Sweetie Pie
Good Girl
Love Bug
Snuggle Bunny:D :D :D :D -
Scheize kopf
Little Ms. Wrinkles
when she was a puppy Mike wanted to give her a "hobbit" name "Miss Pissy Foot Stinky Bottom" now she's called "Miss Snaggle tooth stinky bottom" as she has lost her left canine.Lance:
Fancy Lance
Layance *southern twang
Pretty Boy
Handsome manAnd our non-B (Collie )Callista:
Hair Bucket
Pretty Girl -
Actually I have a phrase that I seemed to use a lot with these guys in general SOOOOOO when I named one of my girls many years ago I added the initials to her name. You would be shocked at how many people think it's a title - and in some ways it is.
So this bitchs name is MIJOKR's Fancy Foot Work SFB ( S–t for Brains.)
Of course I have a lot of dumb names for my dogs in general anyway: Tex Critter, Tribbles n' Bits, GI MO to name a few.
My husband is CONSTANTLY giving Savannah new names. She is:
Pumpkin Noodles
Pumpkin Pie
Precious Pumpkin Pie
Baby Girl
G Force
Pretty Girl
Baby Girl
Princess in a PieGeeze, the list goes on. He actually comes home and announces that he's thought of her ALL DAY and tells her the new name he's come up with. Talk about feeling left out!
Funny. My DH has the same nickname for Nala! LOL! Also, "PITA"!!
Love it. Yeah, I'm sure if Dh had thought it through he'd have named Keoki 'PITA' instead.
He's {dh} is so funny –in that irritating way -- in that he keeps insisting that "Jazz didn't do this" -- or didn't do it this long, or learned this faster, etc.
Honestly, did he live in the same house when Jazz was a puppy? Sure, she's always been very good, esp for a Basenji, but does he not remember the stolen food? The torn to bits Santa Clause, the slippers I used to own, the neighbor girls' flip-flop? Come on!!! Keoki is only six months old; of course he is a PITA; it's his job! LOL -
Hee Hee…tell him that Keoki will be fine, just like Jazzy is! Don't tell him that Nala is going to be 9 in December....LOL! We've just given up on trying to stop the food snatching!! At least it's taught the kids to not leave the table (with food they still want on it) and to clean up their plates afterwards!! Ah, the benefits of a poorly trained dog!! ((wink wink))
here may be some you have not heard
pigglett (always to fat looks like pot belly pig)
ms piggy ( hogs all the food if allowed)
mouth of south ( yodles for the fun of it)
Princess ( now this is for the male who hates to get his paws dirty)
Ding-a-ling ( the other male that is not always the most corrdinated)
Chilinator (chili is her name but she is defintley the boss) -
Capt. Jack Sparrow…is also called
GEEackOH and he responds well to "no" even if its not him....WONDER WHY??!! LoL
I call Champ…Champster or when he's not behaving Champion and when I'm really glad to see him after a long day at work I'll call him by his full name....Champion Murrieta Gershonowitz are all insane