A pond is also a lot of work, cleaning the filter pads, spring cleaning, fall cleaning, then these guys come and eat all the fish- now we just buy feeder goldfish and do not let the kids name them!
If you build it they will come!
WOW! What a yard! Isn't this a Blue Herron?
Short story: My neighbors have a waterfall/pond with coy fish (giant goldfish). They HAD a plastic Blue Herron decoration next to the pond. My DH and I were having coffee early one morning on our deck when all of the sudden - he looks up, points and says "A pterodactyl!" OMG! We don't see them in our area often. So we watched this graceful creature land and slowly gate to the pond. One by one it would pick up the big fish, toss it about to position for a head first gulp. I was in awe! Anyway, after the folks noticed their fish missing, they got a beautiful shear type of netting. I might wonder over and take a pick of it. (I don't really know the people as they are actually on the block behind our house.) They also got rid of the Herron decoration, like a decoy.