If you pay attention, there may be some subtleties that might give you a clue. Dogs pay close attention to body language. He may see the Collies as a threat because of something not easily noticeable, and perhaps he is generalizing if one of them has given him bad vibes and the others look similar enough for him to consider them a threat. My boy really didn't like small white fluffy dogs, I have no idea why....but perhaps because many were noisy and wanted to get in his face.
Basenjis on You Tube
Well, I love looking at the pics and am slow in the You Tube world. I have watched a few basenjis on it am hooked!!
Please post some of you basenji video links here for us to see your b's in action!!
ok, here are a few I am finding that just tickle me!!
This second one is so familiar to my house right now:
Thanks- my dogs just went nuts listening to those!
2nd one definitely sounds like my house too. With the occasional boof thrown in!