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Basenji Boy Puppies

Behavioral Issues
  • @ciarasmom:

    A lot of people don't realize that B's carry their testicles a little differently than other dogs, and sometimes even judges at shows have trouble finding them because a scared B will pull them up /in.

    I'm sorry…I've never heard that before and it just gave me SUCH a visual :D

  • My breeder recommends that our little guy be fixed in a year. I guess it has to do with health concerns. Having them fixed early could mean that your B does not fully develop

  • @JazzysMom:

    I'm sorry…I've never heard that before and it just gave me SUCH a visual :D

    Completely understandable! Maybe someone with first hand experience will chime in with a funny story.

  • we had never heard of that longer leg business before, how interesting. if possible we will wait until fela is a year old too. i wonder why their testicles are different than other dogs? anybody know?

  • @felakuti:

    our Fela, 4 1/2 month old male has an undescended testicle…the vet said that the testicle tucked into his warm body will produce too much hormones, and will make him very aggressive, and should be removed. That requires exploratory surgery to find and remove it. Any comments and/or suggestions?

    Ciarasmom is correct. Male Basenjis have the ability to pull their testicles up into their body, usually when scared, excited, or cold. Does the testicle in question ever "settle" into the scrotum when he is relaxed? If so, the pup doesn't have a problem. "Yo-yo" testicles, where they go up into the body and back out again, is usually caused by a vas deferens that is too short. The "cord" is simply not long enough for the testicle to be in the correct place. If this is the case, you just have to wait it out and hope it drops down into the scrotum and stays there. If the testicle has never dropped down, you have a true undescended, or missing, testicle. One missing is called monorchid while both missing is called cryptorchid. Monorchids and cryptorchids are disqualified from dog show competiton and since the problem is thought to be inherited, they should be altered. In any case, wait a few weeks and try to schedule the neuter while the testicle is down into the scrotum. The surgery will be easier for your boy.

    And I'm sure that is more than anyone ever wanted to know about Basenji testicles. :p

  • @Mantis:

    Cairo is officially at 5months and has found a new bag of energy at night that is extreme to say the least. Caesar and I wanted to know what age you guys are fixing your boys?

    Neutering is not as likely to affect your pup's energy level as much as maturity will. Try to fit in more exercise sessions such as long walks and play sessions with another friendly dog to help curb the problem. My best wishes. :)

  • @felakuti:

    our Fela, 4 1/2 month old male has an undescended testicle…the vet said that the testicle tucked into his warm body will produce too much hormones, and will make him very aggressive, and should be removed. That requires exploratory surgery to find and remove it. Any comments and/or suggestions?

    Many, many years ago when I was in highschool :) we had a cocker who was very aggressive. Back then–it wasn't that common to neuter males. Our vet recommended he be neutered to try to help with the aggression. He had one undescended testicle (maybe that contributed to him being aggressive). He went into shock on the operating table when the vet was trying to find it, so he stopped the surgery, and the one was left in there. He was several years old at the time and continued to be aggressive.

  • Undescended testicles are a health concern for dogs.. and I have heard that also about "not" being able to remove them even during surgery, however now days with so many specialist, that is who should be doing that kind of surgery… IMO....
    Also, wanted to chime in about a 4 month old with an undescended testicle.. I would wait until at least over 6 months.. especially with a Basenji. In one of my litters, we had a pup that I could find both at 2 wks, however at 10 weeks I could not, nor could my Vet... He was placed local, so I was able to see him a lot and it was not till he was 7 months did the other testicle drop..

    Basenjis also carry their testicles different then other dogs, which is another reason people have problems (even Vets) finding them.. instead of like most dogs that carry them side by side, Basenjis carry them one in front of the other... which I suppect is the reason it is so easy for them to "suck" one up... and yes they do that.. especially puppies... Cold hands from a judge and you can bet they are gone!... Many judges will have the handler take them off the table and move them around the ring and then re-check....

  • Basenjis carry them one in front of the other?????? First time i have heard of that. Is that verified by anyone else?

  • Yes, they are often front and back, often in puppies. And they can be retracted much later into puppyhood than other breeds. In general their testicals are small for their size…probably because They are definitely *different ...maybe because small and discrete are important for bush dogs?

  • I have noticed that Cairo's are one in front of the other and have dropped lower now where you can see them from behind.

  • I have never heard that Basenji's can "suck up" their testicles. It makes sense though. Monkeys can do the same thing, and with the dogs running throught the bush you would want to keep them safe from being snagged. Very interesting.

  • LOL, I haven't paid much attention but now I feel compelled to study Keoki's testicles next time I hold him.

    LOL what are you people doing to me? ;-)

  • monkeys can do that???????? i never heard of that before. LOL, this is getting more and more interesting dont you think? the vets must go crazy trying to neuter basenji male puppies. lol

  • Well, when put under for surgery, they will be "down" unless they have a retained testicle… and even sometimes those will drop...

  • felakuti, yes, monkeys do that. I have worked with them for years and I was told it was to prevent them from getting nailed, ripped or bitten during fighting for territory or jumping through bush. They pull them up any time they are nervous or anytime they want.

  • @dash:

    felakuti, yes, monkeys do that. I have worked with them for years and I was told it was to prevent them from getting nailed, ripped or bitten during fighting for territory or jumping through bush. They pull them up any time they are nervous or anytime they want.

    Dash, where do you work with monkeys, and what kind? I also worked with monkeys for years, but never was in the position to notice whether they were decended or not ;) Apes (with which I have more experience) most certainly cannot contract their scrotums (at least not voluntarily).

  • I used to work with cynomologus monkeys and rhesus monkeys in a research setting. I was there for 8 years before changing to my current position in the business office. I was wondering if greater apes could do it as well but I guess not. Maybe it is just lower species?

  • Did you work at OSU's primate lab? Do you know Dr. Sally Boyson?

  • no. Battelle. Is she the one who was in charge of the chimp facility that was shut down? If so, then a friend of mine worked with her there.

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    Behavioral Issues
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    WOW!!!..Words to live by!! I commend you for all the effort it sounds like you've put into your dogs. I wish people were more like you…and your mantra should be placed on every B owner's refrigerator door :D :D It's all about knowing your dog & KNOWING their limitations. Respect is key and so is a no tolerance policy. At least that's how it is at our house! :) BTW-I went to a Basenji Fun Match...and A LOT of B's are bitchy snarky little fur balls. Rest assured yours are not the exception. Mine are exactly the same way but we work with them every day on this!