Let me in or I'll poop
I have found that with most people if they are complaining about play biting, they have one of these over the top, play biting maniacs like my first Basenji was.
You are describing Duke! :eek: He just kept getting more, and more wound up when I tried to closing his muzzle - it made his/my problem worse. All the screaming "NO BITE!!" and muzzle holding for nothing - It just made me mad!! :mad: At my wits end, the passive aggressive approach worked best. :) Glad he finally has some respect for us now - :rolleyes:
Yeah and it can be tricky since if I don't grab it right I end up jabbing my finger tips straight into his pointy teeth..ouch for me. But I don't want to hurt him either and last night he did yelp twice so I'm not sure if it hurt him. As soon as he yelped, I let go and he opened his mouth and took out his tongue. I looked to make sure he didn't bite it.
Double ditto…I put up the dog rules on a bulletin board but ALAS he just doesn't GET IT :mad:
ie-use the same command dear...use a watch exercise when you see a dog coming your way...do a uturn if the dog is too close to do a watch exercise. Praise for going potty...NADA :D
Does anyone know of HUSBAND TRAINING classes at Pet Smart :D :D
I think it is a man thing, I don't need to listen to you, I'll do what I want with our dog. I am trying to stop Sahara from play biteing when she wants our attention. She will try to bite your hand, or feet when you are trying to go to work. She knows when we are going, she is so smart. So, I get up when she does the bad behavior, say no bite, and ignore. Well, she is getting the picture, she hardly bites me anymore, but she still does my hubby. I tell him what to do and he just yells, "Stop Biteing", that drives me crazy. He just refuses to do what I tell him, he uses the wrong commands, not words she knows. I need to sign him up!!!!
Just looking over my threads and decided to post this one as a SUCCESS since my dog nolonger poops when left out of another room and he is potty trained. Now that I look back at that period, not too long agao and remember how nuts he had me over that pooping issue, now I laugh cause it's done and we were able to move beyond it. Next step, still working on the nipping….One day at a time.