Why? Nip & Brawl
So….do you have a digital video camera? Or is that a feature on your regular digi cam? I will have to do this....I could make a video of Querk screaming his head off for y'all.
Would love to see and hear Querk. It would be fun . . . to hear Basenji sounds. Their vocals are so different, it's cool.
Hackles up are normal for a Basenji, I have never seen it make a difference, means nothing about a serious fight or not, IMO… usually it is the noise, or lack of it... My Kristii yells all the time at my boy...ggg.... and she always has her hackle up... and she is all noise, no action....
This is typical Basenji actions... when you have more then one... I have always told people get ready for the noise.. that you never had before.... sounds like they are going to kill each other... but they are not....
One thing that I can say is that if you ever see that "glazed" look in one or the other to where they are totally fixed on the other one.. that to me is a sure sign that something nasty is going to happen...
Hackles up are normal for a Basenji, I have never seen it make a difference, means nothing about a serious fight or not, IMO… usually it is the noise, or lack of it... My Kristii yells all the time at my boy...ggg.... and she always has her hackle up... and she is all noise, no action....
When the hackles are up on mine, something has them aggitated. Doesn't mean….fight.......aggitated.;)
When the hackles are up on mine, something has them aggitated. Doesn't mean….fight.......aggitated.;)
yeah…between girls at our house, it does mean something if it continues for any length of time. Sometimes it just means, you are sniffing me, should I be concerned?...but if the girls are circling, sniffing, and ridgie, there could be trouble.
yeah…between girls at our house, it does mean something if it continues for any length of time. Sometimes it just means, you are sniffing me, should I be concerned?...but if the girls are circling, sniffing, and ridgie, there could be trouble.
Amen to that!:D :D ridgie I love that! :D :D
Tobias is always ridgie. When at play that is. I have seen him aggressive only toward humans, strangers, and only when he is safe inside the house, and the humans are outside. LOL I know he would run if he were outside with the stranger. Or at least I think he would, as he does not like confrontation, or srangers. Question, it seems that hackles up is happy time for Tobias, tail wagging, mouth open, barooing all the way. How do we really know if these guys are angry?
As is with children - vying for mommy-daddy attention is pretty normal. Duke and Daisy do that. Duke used to have all the attention from everyone. Good morning kisses & rubs - everything for him. Now we have Daisy - and she needs her fair share of attention. When I choose Daisy first, I see poor Duke looking slighted watching and waiting for his turn - I kind of feel bad for him. They try to be the first by shoving themselves in front. I switch off who's first. I don't think this is a big problem - but does it matter who is chosen first to give attention?
They both get there first, then the shoving begins. They can't be kissed and hugged at the same time, so I'll give Duke his first b/c he's the older and wiser. Makes sense - Thanks for your replies.
This is what we do with Querk. And we often have as many as four hopping around at the same time :rolleyes:
But he is VERY vocal when the other dogs get in the way of his greeting. I am kind of envisioning that is what is going on with Duke.
Another example of status being fluid…all the dogs defer to his complaining during greeting...but all the girls can take things away from him, and guard him away from their sleepy space. And they all greet him in a subordinate way...so it is really, really hard to guess who is in charge of what....kinda like the federal government ;)
Funnily enough, my 3 B's will crowd me with the Boxenji constantly getting in the way. I will always cuddle Shadow first, then Sugar, then Zina, and then Dimisi-in the order I got them. The old girl Calli waits on the chair for me to come and see her and get her cuddles and kisses-I guess she doesn't want to get into the fray at the door and she knows if she waits she gets more attention!