Clothes fiend: funny story
So im setting up clothes and then pilot comes over and steals it, and then brings it down stairs, i said pilot no! and he kept running,then when i catch up to him he wants to play tug o' war with it, he always does that!
Yeap I have to wait for my B to take a nap before attempting to fold my clothes
whenever i get clothes out of the dryer and put them in a pile to fold, tayda and lenny try to get there as fast as possible to lay down and soak up all the heat from the warm clothes…. warm.....warm.... :)
I don't have that problem with Jojo…maybe because she is 11 yrs young but she will eat tissue from the bathroom trash can and has got into the kitchen trash can so we have changed the cans or put them where Jojo can't get to them...OMG she did eat the crotch out of my husband's boxers once when they were left out...