Why? Nip & Brawl
I would guess they are just sorting out who is in charge of what…
So to answer the "Why" question, the nipping and brawling is about who's in charge? GEESH! They have a short memory. Because it has to be sorted out over and over and . . . Haha!! :rolleyes: Will this go on until one day Daisy is big enough to wrap her jaws around Dukes neck? It is unnerving to sit back and watch the assaults. Dog speak - I guess. I'll let them be best I can but sometimes, I can't take it when the sounds escalate for too long.
If it gets quiet & the stares begin darting back & forth then I know there will be trouble :eek:
I've seen this happen twice. :eek: :eek: Then it's over. Don't know who won. A few minutes ago, Daisy on sofa staring down at Duke - Duke turned away. Is that submission?
For the record, they do play games I call tag and hide & seek. Doing the B500, one runs after the other and tags the front dog. Then they switch directiions running till they tag again and so on. When they play hide & seek, one chases the other and the other stops short in another room till found and the chase is on again til (usually Daisy) finds a spot and waits till Duke comes around the corner and finds her. These games are so fun to watch. It's what I call play-play. The price of this enjoyment is that our lamps are now all unplugged b/c they have been knocked over. One is now broken. :eek: (I plan to buy all new furniture, when Daisy is older. Do you think next year would be OK?) :o
Also, Daisy doesn't always mind Duke taking her chewy's. Maybe she'll tolerate it some of the time and find something else. When she doesn't tolerate it, brawling game is on - again.
Thanks for all your input. This is the first time I've had more than one dog, young ones at that! :eek: Except I grew up with Pomeranian pairs. All they wanted were biscuits and a lap. Nothing like my two warriors. :)
This is my first attempt at posting a link to a video, hopefully it works. This is Sophie and Rio playing yesterday.
While I was making the other movie, Nicky decided he would start a wrestling match so I decided to to make another movie.
This is my first attempt at posting a link to a video, hopefully it works. This is Sophie and Rio playing yesterday.
Thanks Lisa - These videos look typical of Duke & Daisy too. Except of course when there's real cause for concern - you know, the turn for the worse. I am attempting to upload a short video from my camera - so you can see my two going at it like yours. Haven't done it b4 either - so maybe it'll work. (don't know when I'll be done) :confused:
This is my first attempt at doing a video - Yesterday after work, as usual Duke & Daisy were doing their thing. At the end of the video - they must have hurt themselves locking teeth b/c they're licking nose & mouths.
This video is quiet & mild. Not the growly kind of fight.
Very cool! So, that is the usual? Or is there more noise usually? That was all play.
So….do you have a digital video camera? Or is that a feature on your regular digi cam? I will have to do this....I could make a video of Querk screaming his head off for y'all.
Looks so familar!:D Yep Senji play for sure. Good job on the Vid Jill!!!!:D :D :D
:) Looks so familiar!:D Yep Senji play for sure:) . Good job on the Vid Jill!!!!:cool:
Very cool! So, that is the usual? Or is there more noise usually? That was all play.
So….do you have a digital video camera? Or is that a feature on your regular digi cam? I will have to do this....I could make a video of Querk screaming his head off for y'all.
This is the usual - almost all the time when they get out of the crates. Also, they almost always have to do it in my presence. Wherever I am - they follow. It will usually get heated once or twice a day. They're heated now - just took another short video - will publish it - for kicks.
I used my digital camera using the video setting. Downloaded it like the digital images and then uploaded it to Photobucket in the video index. I don't know how to edit it like Lisa did with the captions.
I figured that Duke, being the bigger and stronger of the two was playing too rough with Daisy. But if you say it's normal . . . just being senji.
:) Looks so familiar!:D Yep Senji play for sure:) . Good job on the Vid Jill!!!!:cool:
Thanks! I'll upload another video - This one is where they're being vocal and very noisy.
OK - This gets nasty. 1st one here is when my DH just came home, which started D&D's spat. (Also, please excuse my DH's reference to what's he's gotta do . . .) Hahaa - It's about the spat.
http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r115/dukerspooker/?action=view¤t=HeatedRex.flvThis next one is close to the same spat - I don't know what's eating my kids today - They've been on & off with this more than usual. They'll work it out, right?
http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r115/dukerspooker/?action=view¤t=ae35aa1e.flv -
The first one looks like a tizzy over who is going to get to greet daddy first and longest. It is definitely not play…but it isn't really fighting either. It looks like Duke is complaining that Daisy is jumping around while he wants to greet.
The second one kinda looks like Duke doesn't want to play with Daisy...she gets the message and goes to find something else to play with.
To me it looks like they are definitely sorting stuff out....that is fine, it sounds like complaining.
Thanks for your take on these two. I didn't know they have complaints. You read them so well. They're both grumpy today. It occurred to me they need to get off the dock here at home. We will get them out and visit family tomorrow afternoon and thru the weekend. "A tired Basenji is a happy Basenji". (They're still doing it under my chair!) It's about bed time for everyone. ;)
If you notice on the second vid Daisy's tail wags a little. I agree with Andrea, neither are fights in my opinion, just senji talk. It's when those exchanges go on longer than that and hackles are up you might need to intervene.
Not sorry you added that second B are you Jill?
They look like they're blending nicely!
If you notice on the second vid Daisy's tail wags a little. I agree with Andrea, neither are fights in my opinion, just senji talk. It's when those exchanges go on longer than that and hackles are up you might need to intervene.
Not sorry you added that second B are you Jill?
They look like they're blending nicely!
Right, not sorry. More like adjusting to two. Seems they've been having the so-called senji talk with complaints and very noisy play more often lately. So, I was concerned b/c honestly I thought they were fighting. So I should look for hackles before deciding to break them up - or unless the noise goes on for too long.
Thanks for helping me figure this out. Certainly I trust your opinions and advice having experience with multiples. I am so glad we have Daisy - She's the sweetest little cuddler and she's learning fast. She can do no wrong when she gives me the look . . . you know it. ;)