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Just need to vent

Basenji Talk
  • Hate to admit it but you might be right about my hubbie being alpha. I don't know y he is since I'm the one that reprements our B. Not fair I want to be alpha. Well whatever, when our B is not feeling well he comes to mommie for comfort so it balances out.

  • By the time hubby comes home, the boy's exhausted and just doesn't have enough energy for mischief! :D

  • Oh yeah this is so true.

  • @luzmery928:

    The nipping, the taking shoes, taking clothes, chewing on our boxes, furniture…all at the same time from one spot to another and that's after a 1hr run in the park. Then my husband comes home and sure enough, the little brat behaves. Y is that? When my husband stays home he's a perfect angel and when I'm home he's a little monster. Not always we have some good days, but geezzz yesturday sure was not one of them.

    Even though you took him or a 1hr run - Is there enough chewy's for him? Mine would always find something to do (mischievous), if there wasn't a good chewy around. He does get bored with some of the ones that last. I got a tip here to switch them out so they're not around all the time and they think it's something new. (I think he considers your DH a good toy sub) :D

  • Oh yes plenty of chewies. You know the B thing…it's not mine, I want it.

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    Many of us already have been driven crazy, don't fight it.:D

    Hang in there!;)

    oh bboy, you are so right!

    just think of me driving around in a poopy smelling car for a couple of days…surely that will make you feel better.

  • Just think, when he slows down with age (yeah right) you'll look back and laugh and wish he was young and spry again!

  • Um….when do they slow down…specifically what age, please...Nala will be 9 in December and she's still driving me crazy!! LOL, of course!!!

  • Last night was another battle royale at home. Of course daddy wasnt' home so Champ was doing his tazmanian thing. My goodness he drives me crazy. I let him have a shoe he found in my closet that happens to be quite old but of course once he noticed I didn't care he dropped it and picked up one of my new pumps. Then as I'm attempting to fold the laundry, here comes the B jumpimg on the bed taking all my clothes. He grabbed some socks that apparently he liked before because they had holes so I let him have them but no he wanted new ones since mommie didn't seem to fall for the wild goose chase. I couldn't take it anymore so I took him out of the room. He peed in the living room but thank goodness on his wee wee pad. Still haven't gotton to the whole crate/potty thing although he only pees when he is left out of the room. He no longer goes in the house when he's actually home alone. I call it psycological since the crate is there but he's not inside. Then I was trying to do some exercises on the floor and sure enough here comes my caveman dog and grabes me by the hair and starts pulling. Wouldn't stop and then started the nipping. Well I couldn't take it anymore and I know you will all disagree with my next action but I had no choice…I put him in his crate. Yes I know the whole crate and punishment thing not being good but what else can I do? At least until this weekend because I am taking a trip to babies r us for the baby gate so I can give him the proper time out. Anyway is there anyone out there that can give me hope that he will eventually settle down into a somewhat "normal" dog or do I have to just face the facts that this tazmanian devil is here to stay. I just keep saying..he's lucky he's so darn cute and many times lovable. Though I have to admit that as I write all this I so so with a smile because in the mix of all this insanity, he has brought so much happiness into my life. Sorry for the long babble, the venting continues

  • One comment would be that dogs do not know new shoes/socks from old ones. If I want Dash to be good while I am busy doing something else I give him a special chew toy he only gets then. I use the pig ears. He loves those. That give me like 20 minutes to do something without worry.

    Also, he must have thought you wanted to play when you started your work out. I honestly can't remember Dash behaving like that but I am sure he did. I would have grabbed him buy the scruff and gave a little shake and told him no. Than give him something else to do.

    Hope that helps.

  • What I meant was that he likes the chase that's y the old stuff (in my terms) doesn't catch his attention. He like the new stuff cause then mommie starts running after him to get the stuff back. I honestly believe he just wants me to nonstop play with him. The working out thing the laundry thing..all this is for attention for play. I have tried telling him no, a little shove, some water spray, walking away, etc. Even this morning as I was getting dressed, he was on the bed and stared chewing and pulling my hair. Nothing done aggresively just like he's obsessed withh driving me mad. Oh yeah and while he was pulling my hair this morning daddy was laying in bed watching tv, relaxing. I was like hello go bother daddy. About the pig you know what is in them. My B is now allergic to just about everything and so I have to be careful what to give him. I tried picking some up yesturday but didn't have the ingredients listed.

  • oh yes and I also try to get his attention to some other stuff like throwing the ball or giving him a he drops it and continues what he knows will make mommie run over and give him attention.

  • What Champ is really try to do is get your attention. He wants more of your attention at that moment. What things do you do with him to give him attention during the day? Many of the behaviors you describe are ones that mine do when they feel like they are not getting attention. Often times a short one on one training session so they get my undivided attention and earn some treats will do the trick. Sometimes a jaunt in the backyard to chase the hose or a game of got your tail. There are many options but they all mean taking 10 minutes to really give some personal attention to them. I have also found that a weekly training class really helps to cut down on these behaviors. They really like knowing they have a job or at least a day to look forward to working with me. I always tell my puppy people that they will have an easier time with their puppy if the pup has a job to look forward to. It does not have to be a training class but you should have time set aside to do something with your dog.

  • Well I take him for a run in the am for about an hour. But not this morning because it was raining….hey that explains his morning behavior. Yesturday I took him for about 45min walk before cleaning and working out. I play with him constantly throwing the ball, chasing him around the house. Maybe it's me that I've spoiled him and because I give him all the attention all the time he thinks he should always be this way. GREAT I"VE CREATED A MONSTER. The training sounds good though, can this also help with the nipping, he's calmed a bit but still continues doing this most of the time.

  • Training can absolutely help with the nipping. One thing that I start with my puppies before they ever go to their new homes is rewarding "four on the floor". Since puppies usually jump up when they nip, I reward them for keeping four feet on the floor when a person approaches. If they have their four feet on the floor when I approach they get treats, pets, let out, etc. This is also part of the dog manners class I attend. When we work on greeting behaviors the rule is four feet on the ground for attention from strangers. This takes a lot of self control especially from a very excited puppy but as they learn to master this they also learn how to calmly interact with humans.

    When you are doing laundry or other housework, you can keep a Champ's breakfast or lunch in a bowl nearby and click him for sitting or laying down while you do your chores. Just click and toss him his kibble where he is laying. He should pretty quickly catch on that laying down and staying calm really pays.

    A more structured way of going about this would be to teach "Go to Mat".

  • Sounds like some these things could easily be resolved…like the laundry for instance I only fold laundry in my bedroom with the door closed. If I need to be with the Bs because they can't be left alone then I fold laundry in the living room & put them in the expen (not the crate) so they can still move around and be "with mommy" but not into my stuff.

    The exercising on the floor..well guess what YOU may actually be giving him the signal that you WANT to play. For instance when C3 wants to play with Topaz he'll grab a fav toy of hers & drops on the floor & looks at her to see if she's going to play. Sometimes he'll lay on his back with his paws up in the air to see if she'll come to play with him. So again, not his fault if you're sending those signals to him :) Again if you need to be in the same room with him without him "in your way" than put an expen around him so he can still romp around but stays out of your way.

    We have 2 expens one inside the house that is very versatile & can take to any room in the house and one for the outside in the backyard either to close up the yard so they can run around like crazies...sometimes they need to be off leash to burn some energy.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    Just think, when he slows down with age (yeah right) you'll look back and laugh and wish he was young and spry again!

    They slow down? Do you think my 4yo will? I can still hope, right?:rolleyes:

  • jys1011-where can I get an expen? is that better than a baby gate?

  • My 9 year old is still the worst about getting into trouble when he wants attention. So if you are waiting for your dog to calm down when it's older, it will probably be a long wait.

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