Willy in New Jersey
Congrats handsome Willy!
He is so beautiful! Way to go Willy!
Thanks all, now if we could super glue that tail down.:D
Poor Jasper didn't get the "Winners" picture taken of his first point.:(
B-E-A-utiful. Handsome boy u have there. Congrats. Please give me some pointers for that super shiny coat.
B-E-A-utiful. Handsome boy u have there. Congrats. Please give me some pointers for that super shiny coat.
Diet has a lot to do with it and my wife uses a shampoo for black dogs which helps too. We have two black and whites, the way I understand it, one is a B/W brindle and Willy is a B/W. Willy is almost jet black while the other(Raven) is black with a brownish tint and if you look at her in the sun, you can see stripes.
Beautiful picture!
He's a good looking boy. Our Jill would go gaga for him.
Victor and Amaka in Jersey City
Well done Willy :)
yes it is, i didn't notice. Basenjiboy is no longer a member.