Introducing…(drum roll)...KIARA (and sidekick Ed)

  • Hi. I'm Ed, and Kiara is my almost-2-yr old red/white basenji girl. I'll put up a photo soon, but you pretty much know what she looks like. She is hoping to get a male companion basenji soon – right now I'm trying to work with BRAT to find her ideal buddy. Also, if any NE Illinois basenji owners (slaves?) want to get together for a basenji play date at a local dog park, drop me a line!

  • Just wanted to say welcome. I'm also working with BRAT to try and find number two. Probably a girl, our red and white is a boy, Deke. Good luck in your search.

  • Hi and welcome to the forum. Please keep us posted on the possibly adoption!!!

  • Welcome to the forum! Looking forward to some pictures and hearing about a new buddy for Kiara!

  • Thanks for the welcomes! I've applied now for 2 different basenjis from BRAT, hoping one will come through. I haven't heard anything in a while so I'm a little disheartened, but I have heard that it can take some time with them. And I'm kinda worried they will look at my apartment living as not suitable for a Basenji, although Kiara doesn't seem to mind. I walk her a lot–a mile and a qtr each morning plus 2 shorter PM walks--so she gets pretty good excersize (as do I!). Anyway, time will tell. We're keeping our fingers (or toes, in Kiara's case) crosssed.

  • @Kiara_Ed:

    Thanks for the welcomes! I've applied now for 2 different basenjis from BRAT, hoping one will come through. I haven't heard anything in a while so I'm a little disheartened, but I have heard that it can take some time with them. And I'm kinda worried they will look at my apartment living as not suitable for a Basenji, although Kiara doesn't seem to mind. I walk her a lot–a mile and a qtr each morning plus 2 shorter PM walks--so she gets pretty good excersize (as do I!). Anyway, time will tell. We're keeping our fingers (or toes, in Kiara's case) crosssed.


    I hope that this is not the case.. I know many, many B's that live in apartments and are totally happy…. and if they do.. well "shame" on them

  • Well I got a second basenji this past weekend, and he is just perfect. River is a beautiful tri-color and he's a true gentleman. I'm waiting for the real basenji in him to come out soon, but his foster owners say he really is that laid back. Nice! I haven't visited or posted in a long time so I'm going to browse for a while…
    -Ed, Kiara, & River


  • Awwwwww… look how sweet they are together. Welcome, River!

    Is he a BRAT boy? I'd love to hear about how the transition is going. We have a girl who will be 3 next week, and are looking at a boy buddy for her. I've been wondering how you bring a new one into the house and how the Queen Bee reacts. Did you take her to meet him before you brought him home?

    Can't wait for stories!

  • Ahhw.. So cute!!

  • Congratulations! They are a pretty pair. How are they getting along?


  • tell us how they are doing.

  • Welcome back to the forum! Your new boy is certainly a handsome one! Glad it is working out so nicely for you 🙂

  • What a sweet pair you have there. Thank you so much for the pictures. How are they enjoying eachother. After having two now I have decided never to have just one dog again, it's so nice for hterm to have company. 😃

  • Congratulations on your new addition.

  • Congrats on a successful adoption. I hope your Bs are both enjoying their playmate! Welcome to the forum!

  • Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! They are getting along wonderfully. I took them to an off-leash park this evening and they wore each other out playing chase. Kiara surprised me at how well she welcomed River into her home. I think she was dying for a playmate. She even shares her food with River, which shocked me – she usually acts like she wants to kill any other dog that gets near her food bowl. So I'm pleased as can be with having two. A BRAT volunteer is coming over Saturday to observe how things are going ... wish me luck.

  • Welcome!!!!!!!! Keep us updated!!!!

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