Look Who Gave In…and It wasn't the B

  • Yes, Yes. Our puppy finally won the battle of sleeping in bed with us at night.
    I never would of thought that such a little guy could be so hell bent on fighting me tooth and paw on this issue.
    On a brighter note…At least I get a good nights sleep now :rolleyes:

  • He, he…at one point we had four in the bed!! But now only two! When we are on vacation, I miss the dogs in the bed...well, at least after the first night!

  • My hubby is dead set on the dogs not sleeping in bed with us, well, he is deployed so guess where those dogs are? Yup, in our bed. He can try to break that when he gets home but I don't think it is going to happen, he also says that he misses them so much I think when he gets home he won't mind them being in the bed! LOL!

  • Shhhh! Gizmo will hear you and then I'll have to give in!:eek:

  • KEEP IT DOWN will ya!! C3 & Topaz might hear you guys…:D

  • @jys1011:

    KEEP IT DOWN will ya!! C3 & Topaz might hear you guys…:D

    Hahahahah 😃
    Now if only he would stop hoggin the bed!

  • LOL LOL…our bedroom is upstairs & they have never been upstairs so they don't know that there are beds in this house :eek: I know if they saw it they would NEVER get off!! 😃

    The couch is the only comfort they know LOL

  • ha chaseandZmom, i have the exact same situation. hubby is deployed and bed is lonely. so when holden (human-3yr old) and fender want to sleep with me i am glad for the company. especially the foot toaster!

  • Hollie has slept in the bed from day one!! Makes a nice bed warmer on cold nights!!

  • Doesn't surprise me. We have one B and a king-sized bed. By morning, both my husband and I have been scooted to the extreme edges, while Magnum is jammed up against one or the other of us for warmth, leaving the middle of the bed pretty much empty! I think he does it just because he CAN! He wakes us up often during the night wanting under the covers or coming out from the covers.

    And, of course, when he comes out, he's gotta do the hippy-hippy-shake and flap those ears of his!

  • @gbroxon:

    We have one B and a king-sized bed. By morning, both my husband and I have been scooted to the extreme edges, while Magnum is jammed up against one or the other of us for warmth, leaving the middle of the bed pretty much empty! I think he does it just because he CAN! He wakes us up often during the night wanting under the covers or coming out from the covers.

    And, of course, when he comes out, he's gotta do the hippy-hippy-shake and flap those ears of his!

    Ain't that the truth 🆒
    Every time Chance wakes up he stretches out his feet and pushes everything in sight :rolleyes:

  • Stormie allows me about an inch of manuvering room in bed at night - and I think he "allows" me to sleep in the bed because I keep him toasty! lol! As much as I snark about him and his space-hog tendencies, I can't sleep right if he's not in the bed kicking me in the ribs! 🙂

  • @red:

    Stormie allows me about an inch of manuvering room in bed at night - and I think he "allows" me to sleep in the bed because I keep him toasty! lol! As much as I snark about him and his space-hog tendencies, I can't sleep right if he's not in the bed kicking me in the ribs! 🙂

    Aww - that is so sweet! Must be love!

    Vanessa - You're weaker than I am (kidding) 😃 LOL I wouldn't let Duke sleep anywhere except his crate until November. (9) months after getting him. But he adapted to it very well for us. Ever since Thanksgiving, I wondered why I made him sleep in there so long. He takes turns sleeping with his people. It is nice, once getting used to each other.

  • Good to know I'm not the only one who caves when it comes to snuggling with "The Rock". Anyone else notice how once they land and fall asleep, it's like trying to move concrete? At least he's a good snuggler… now, if only I could teach the hubby to snuggle as well as the Rock does... 🙂

  • Mine sleeps with the other dog in his bed. I am a light sleeper so even my big dog has to go in the laundry room now cause she snores.
    BUT on Monday I was in bed sick and my b came up on the bed with me and it felt so good. Now he comes in in the morning for a cuddle and I enjoy it as long as he does not steal my slippers on the way out of the room.

  • @RockysWoman:

    Anyone else notice how once they land and fall asleep, it's like trying to move concrete? 🙂

    Yeah - I've noticed that phenomenon. Strange how 25 lbs feels like ton when you need to move it! 😃 Moving Duke isn't a simple matter of nudging. In bed, I have to get up and brace for the shove. 😃 Oh for the love of Duke!

  • Even if you've got enough bed for yourself and 15 basenjis YOU are only allowed a 6 inch wide strip along the edge and that's only if you don't have to bend your knees! I'm a right or left side sleeper but I start out on the right. Abbey positions herself behind my knees. When I wake up and feel the need to turn left, I do that. Abbey grumbles and growls, then she climbs over me and fits herself behind my knees again. Once I slept on my back and dreamed I was trapped in an avalanche under an enormous boulder. When I woke up Abbey the Boulder was on top of me!

  • @Lenora:

    Even if you've got enough bed for yourself and 15 basenjis YOU are only allowed a 6 inch wide strip along the edge and that's only if you don't have to bend your knees! I'm a right or left side sleeper but I start out on the right. Abbey positions herself behind my knees. When I wake up and feel the need to turn left, I do that. Abbey grumbles and growls, then she climbs over me and fits herself behind my knees again. Once I slept on my back and dreamed I was trapped in an avalanche under an enormous boulder. When I woke up Abbey the Boulder was on top of me!

    LOL! So true, so true! Abbey the Boulder - hee hee!

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