Here are a Coupla Pics of My Magnum

  • The first one is of Magnum with his favorite toy, FrogADog. The second shows the death of a gorilla (stuffed, of course)!

  • The one with Magnum and his frog is sooo cute but when I saw the death of a gorilla I LOL!!! It is great!!

  • Thanks! I gotta fix those alien eyes! Although, I guess it does add to the evil factor of the pic…

    Magnum got the gorilla as a Christmas present and a couple of days later, it was toast. It's easily fixable...if only I knew how to sew.

    Basenjis, gotta love 'em!

  • LOL, RIP gorilla. Adorable pics

  • Very sweet…love his posture while sitting over the dead's like - "Oops, I killed it" or "Now it's really dead" either way, he knows what he did!.
    He's beautiful by the way!

  • Love the gorilla pic…...."He's dead Jim".:D

  • Very cute. I was very surprised to see him with an intact stuffed animal though. I didn't know it was possible for them to live for longer than 5 minutes. I don't even buy the soft kind unless I'm feeling very generous because it doens't last long enough to justify the money spent. I now buy the kind that are really tough and she doesn't show much interest however I will unsticth a small section of them and sew in some treats. That will usually keep her busy for a day or two.

  • Perfect caption as usual, BBoy!!

  • Sahara has never killed her stuff toys, she will retrive them like a ball if I throw them for her. She loves to play this way, so I guess I am lucky, she has yet to destroy any toys, but she has nawed a few of my items, like furniture, glasses, Christmas ornaments, paperback books, cardboard boxes I keep her toys in, I think I will have to buy a metal box to keep her toys in now. She is a chewing queen, any suggestions on what I can buy her to naw on, I do give her rawhide chips, but I watch her carefully and when they get small I hold it for her to chew on. Yes, she is spoiled, it's my job, haha!!!!!

  • I thin he was just trying to help decorate and knew that the stuffing would look like snow with you pretty Christmas tree! LOL!

    Poor guerilla 😞

  • @youngandtired:

    She is a chewing queen, any suggestions on what I can buy her to naw on, I do give her rawhide chips, but I watch her carefully and when they get small I hold it for her to chew on. Yes, she is spoiled, it's my job, haha!!!!!

    Youngandtired, one word, bullysticks:

    They're a little pricey but are a good, long-lasting chew. Not all bullysticks are created equal, so watch out for cheap imitations! LOL πŸ˜‰ !

  • @ChaseandZahrasmom:

    I thin he was just trying to help decorate and knew that the stuffing would look like snow with you pretty Christmas tree! LOL!

    Oh, yeah, he considers himself the be-all and end-all of decorators. He's always decorating and works in as much variety as he can. Fluff from stuffed animals, our kitchen chair cushions, our pillows (different kinds of fluff, ya know, for different perspectives), chewed up wood from pencils (lends a certain texture to the piece), toilet paper (who can resist bunting?!?), and, his favorite, fabric softener sheets (just to give it an olfactory boost)! We get a masterpiece almost daily! What a prolific (and completely lovable) artist he is!

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  • LOL! That is one more trait that they need to list for B's when they describe them Master interior decortator! πŸ˜ƒ

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    Love the gorilla pic…...."He's dead Jim".:D

    Or "Beam me up, Scotty. My work here is done." πŸ˜ƒ

  • Joey had a froggy too, but it croaked! He did ribbit for quite awhile though:D

  • @spitfirekrl1:

    Very cute. I was very surprised to see him with an intact stuffed animal though. I didn't know it was possible for them to live for longer than 5 minutes. I don't even buy the soft kind unless I'm feeling very generous because it doens't last long enough to justify the money spent. I now buy the kind that are really tough and she doesn't show much interest however I will unsticth a small section of them and sew in some treats. That will usually keep her busy for a day or two.

    Want cheap stuffed toys? Go to the local 2nd hand shop-.49 to 2.00 is my way to go! I bring them home, wash them, and let 'em rip!! Then throw away when they are deceased!!

  • Abby eats everything stuffed. And all paper doesn't matter what kind of paper. Her recent was a cow. R.I.P. Gorilla!

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