Your Definition of Happiness

  • This thread was inspired by one I read on another forum. The original idea came from Paris, a 16 yr. old American Eskimo Dog who recently lost his battle with cancer. Reading the replies to the original thread made me realize how much these little bundles of fur and love do for us without ever being asked to and made me get a little teary eyed in the process. So the question is this:
    What are the little, simple things that your dog/s do/does everyday that brings a smile to your face?

    For me with Nikki it's her smile. She lights up a room with her grin. When I get home from a crappy day at work or am not feeling well or whatever her smile just eases away all the ickiness. Whether it's a "going bye byes" car ride grin, an "Oh my gosh, we're going running" grin, or just a "I'm sooooooo happy to see you grin" - it never fails to make my day.

    For Stormie it's many things. It's his propellor bun wiggle to tell me he's happy I'm home. It's the contented sigh he makes when he's in the perfect leaning on me position. It's the way his tail unfurls and his ears slick back when he's in a full tilt run. It's the snores he makes when he's sleeping soundly curled up in my belly at night. It's the way he "cleans" the water off me after a shower. It's the look he gets in his eyes when we play "catch me if you can".

    For all of these little things I am eternally grateful.

  • This is great!!

    C3PO-the way you turn your head exposing your neck letting me know that you would luv a neck scratch 🙂 The way I can see your chubby paws from the other side of the counter trying to get at my stuff….MOST OF ALL your brown eyes looking up at me with the sweetiest look while you're curled up resting on the couch 🙂

    TOPAZ-your sweet kisses reassures me that your love in unconditional & not only do I know it but I feel it & I always smile when my face feels wet 😃 The way you burrry your tiny little head in my shirt or my legs sheltering your eyes from the light...MOST OF ALL your sweet barrooooooooos make me smile every single time I walk through the door to hear your welcome home 🙂

    Ok I'm now hugging my little B's with tears in my eyes even though they feel smothered! 😃 😃

  • This is great!!

    C3PO-the way you turn your head exposing your neck letting me know that you would luv a neck scratch 🙂 The way I can see your chubby paws from the other side of the counter trying to get at my stuff….MOST OF ALL your brown eyes looking up at me with the sweetiest look while you're curled up resting on the couch 🙂

    TOPAZ-your sweet kisses reassures me that your love in unconditional & not only do I know it but I feel it & I always smile when my face feels wet 😃 The way you burrry your tiny little head in my shirt or my legs sheltering your eyes from the light...MOST OF ALL your sweet barrooooooooos make me smile every single time I walk through the door to hear your welcome home 🙂

    Ok I'm now hugging my little B's with tears in my eyes even though they feel smothered! 😃 😃

  • Just a few of her little quirks.
    Before I get in the door, I can hear her inside crying and "talking" to me that she's here! When I sit on the couch, she has to come over and sit right next to me and put her head on my knee. Shelby loves to play so she gets her toys and brings them to me to tease me to play. When she goes to bed, she has to get one of her stuffed animals and bring it to bed with her. When I come home she also has to sniff me all over and smell my breath. It's kind of like her welcome home kiss. She is my sweetie and I don't know what I did without her.

  • Great thread! Giz puts his face next to mine and sort of gives me hugs before he snuggles up for couch time. I love his curl wiggle and the "is that dog possessed?" dance he does when he wants to play.
    Angel (my non 😎 does the best head tilt when she hears something interesting. She also grins like there is no tomorrow if she is getting her back scratched.

  • Max because he always has a baroo for me when I come home and he's so clever. I swear he knows what your saying.

    Cleo because her tail wags and goes nuts when she knows Daddies home…...all while grumbling at Max. Cleo kisses on request.

    Penny because she is the shy sweet one of the group and is so calm and patient. Penny seems like she'll always be a pup and loves to play.

    Ravenbecause she does that hiding her eyes with her paws… she's shy and follows me everywhere....she is a tick. She is the smallest and I love that little girl.

    Jasperbecause he will always let you pick him up to be hugged and kissed…...he really does love it, and he's so soft. Plus he was a gift that I will always cherish.

    Willybecause he is like that little kid that just doesn't want the day to end…...he goes and goes and when he's done.....he's done. Willy is the Joker of the group.........every little group needs a clown.:eek: :eek: 😃

  • Oh, this is a good one! When I brought Abbey home with me she was 4 months old. She smelled soooo good, just like a baby ought to smell. I used to snuggle her up just to smell of her. That makes me smile. Also, since she apparently thinks I'm a chair, I can't sit down without her filling my lap even though she hangs over on both sides. We have important Mom and Abbey talks while she's in my lap. We talk about birds and airplanes (she likes to watch them) and going to the park and other interesting stuff. She does lots of silly things that make me smile. I have a wooden cable car music box from San Francisco that she adores. Wind it up, set it in the floor and she follows it around in a circle till it stops, then she gives it a bop to start it up again. The thing about Abbey is that even though she's 3 she's still a silly pup at heart. She has a huge basket stuffed with toys and balls and we have to play with them all every day, especially her green bunny. She brings Bunny, throws him down, I grab for him, she snatches him up, I have to wrestle her for him, and if I win I have to throw him across the room and yell BUNNY! She retrieves him, brings him back, and we have to do the whole thing over again about 20 times. She is also a huge practical joker–nobody can convince me basenjis don't have a sense of humor. If you remember my post about Basenji Practical Jokes, they weren't made up. She has also invented a game I think she calls Mommy on a String; I sit down, she scratches the carpet like a wild animal, I jump up, she stops, I sit back down, she scratches the carpet again. Makes me wonder sometimes why I ever wanted to be a basenji slave!

  • These are all so great and touching! Thank-you for sharing! Isn't it amazing how quickly they wrap you around their dainty little paws?

  • My first basenji, Mowgli, hated it when I went away to college. When I came home, instead of greeting me, he'd snub me. I'd walk in, he'd see me, and walk into the other room. I'd go into the other room, and call him to me, and he'd try for as long as he could to ignore me. Then his little tail would start wagging, and he'd come struttin' up to me with one of those long growls, followed by a few baroos. He'd then stand beside me, and lick my legs while growling, and barooing.:) He died young in 2001. I still miss that dog.

  • Awww…such a sweet story, Vegas. All of the replies are amazing. I get so much more appreciation for my pup when I hear everyone else's stories and observations. They are such a special breed of dog.
    One of my favorite things is just Nala's eye contact. She seems to know exactly what we're saying (good or bad) and react to it. She adores my husband and watches his every move. I also love that she sleeps in the bed, under the covers and "shares" herself with everyone throughout the night...even guests!

  • My heart seems to beat more each day and it's not always because I'm running after my B- Champ but because when I he comes home from a walk with Daddy and I've come home and surprise him, he walks up to me with his ears so far back I think they might actually touch. When he gives up after a nipping fight and pushes up next to me on the couch like saying I'm sorry ,you won Mommy. Because he lets me kiss him as much as I want whenever I want. Because when I make weird noises or stand in back of him looking in the mirror he moves his head back and forth like if he was saying what you doing now Mommy. He's such a terror but damn I love this little boy. Because after I had to put my toy poodle Nino to sleep(he will forever be in my heart) I thought i could never love another dog again and he has proved me wrong. ….Thanks I love this game.

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