MO puppymiller being shut down, basenjis need help

  • While I don't approve obviously of PM's… its this the place that is going out of business.... it was not shut down... that does make some difference in the dogs that are there, not much... but some

  • Yes, this is the difference re BRAT stepping in.
    You can't support Puppymillers or pet shops, but when they are going out of business, you surely don't want those poor dogs to end up with OTHER puppymillers/pet shops.
    So, if you know anyone who can open their home to these poor dogs, please share this info.
    Its just a good thing to do.

  • Maybe a program could be set up for people who are willing to sponsor a dog, but can't foster, or are too far away to foster? Any chance of that?

  • "proven male" proven fanconi producer 😞
    this makes me so sick
    as far as money goes to help brat's effort, we are just requesting you donate via the website. maybe you have some extra tax return money?
    also, we will need help transporting dogs to new foster homes. this is a very great way to help brat if you cant foster.

  • "proven male" proven fanconi producer

    Is that what that means? My gosh! There are FIVE of them?
    What is wrong with people? Did I count 56 puppies?
    It really is sickening.

  • @JazzysMom:

    "proven male" proven fanconi producer

    Is that what that means? My gosh! There are FIVE of them?
    What is wrong with people? Did I count 56 puppies?
    It really is sickening.

    No, proven male just means he has had viable offspring. I am not sure what Ambered means about proven fanconi producer? Certainaly possible…as puppy mills don't do any matching, testing or follow up as far as health concerns. The person that is selling this dog probably doesn't know or care about Fanconi syndrome.

  • @Ambered:

    ", we are just requesting you donate via the website. maybe you have some extra tax return money?
    also, we will need help transporting dogs to new foster homes. this is a very great way to help brat if you cant foster.

    "we" meaning BRAT? and the website being the BRAT website? Some folks prefer to donate to a specific project, knowing the money will be used there, rather than just to a general fund…that is the only reason I suggested it.

    I was thinking that if there weren't enough foster homes, some dogs may need to be boarded, and folks could "sponsor" a dog rather than foster it in their home...but maybe that is just too complicated.

    Anyhow, good suggestion about transport as well.

  • No, proven male just means he has had viable offspring. I am not sure >>what Ambered means about proven fanconi producer?

    Okay, Whew. That's what I thought when I first read the original post.

  • sorry, i didnt mean to cause confusion! andrea is right. i didnt really mean it about the fanconi!
    we-brat, i am a brat member and have offered to foster for this.
    website-brat website

  • I'm travelling there with my Mom, Liz, this evening.

    I counted the number of all dogs they have. They have 484 dogs listed. The females have a total of 617 pups that are under 8 weeks old for a total of 1101 pets that need homes.

    I couldn't be more sick!

  • @Vegas:

    I'm travelling there with my Mom, Liz, this evening.

    I counted the number of all dogs they have. They have 484 dogs listed. The females have a total of 617 pups that are under 8 weeks old for a total of 1101 pets that need homes.

    I couldn't be more sick!

    That's not all basenjis, right?

    This situation is sad….I guess the good news (if there is any)is that the mill isn't closing down because of violations...but because the woman is getting out of business. The most disturbing part is on the flyer where there are commendations from local vets stating how much the pet industry will miss this woman....disgusting....

    I will try to find the link to the original flyer.....I found it, if anyone wants to see it, please contact me privately. Probably not allowed to post it here...we don't want to give any more free advertising to this woman.

  • @Quercus:

    The most disturbing part is on the flyer where there are commendations from local vets stating how much the pet industry will miss this woman….disgusting....

    Yeah - the pet industry includes the "local vets"! It is very sad that this is even a legal business! :mad:

  • @Quercus:

    That's not all basenjis, right?

    This situation is sad….I guess the good news (if there is any)is that the mill isn't closing down because of violations...but because the woman is getting out of business. The most disturbing part is on the flyer where there are commendations from local vets stating how much the pet industry will miss this woman....disgusting....

    I will try to find the link to the original flyer.....I found it, if anyone wants to see it, please contact me privately. Probably not allowed to post it here...we don't want to give any more free advertising to this woman.

    I don't care about the "free advertising" myself. Hopefully the buyers will be committed people that want the dogs to have good homes, and people will get these dogs to discourage any more breeders from buying basenji breeding stock.

    The trash that we're going to be dealing with is disgusting. We'll be with other puppy millers, and probably even some people that will sell them to labs.

    What a friggin' mess!

  • Just to be clear…the free advertising I was wanting to avoid, was to people who wouldn't care for the dogs responsibly. There are occasionally people on here looking to breed their dog or bitch for whatever reason, and those are the folks we don't want to get their hands on these dogs.

  • @Quercus:

    Just to be clear…the free advertising I was wanting to avoid, was to people who wouldn't care for the dogs responsibly. There are occasionally people on here looking to breed their dog or bitch for whatever reason, and those are the folks we don't want to get their hands on these dogs.

    I see what you mean now, Andrea. I bet the waterbottles really come out when those people stop by.

  • Vegas, can you clarify? Are individuals paying to spring these dogs? And if so, who is coordinating so that money can be sent. It is now my understanding that BRAT is not paying to purchase (understandably)…but if I wanted to sponsor a dog being boarded or something like that...who would I contact? You can let me know privately, if need be. Thanks 🙂

  • @Quercus:

    Vegas, can you clarify? Are individuals paying to spring these dogs? And if so, who is coordinating so that money can be sent. It is now my understanding that BRAT is not paying to purchase (understandably)…but if I wanted to sponsor a dog being boarded or something like that...who would I contact? You can let me know privately, if need be. Thanks 🙂

    My mom is a board member of BRAT, and is helping coordinate the rescue. As you can imagine, the feelings of rescuing from a puppymill are very very mixed. I understand both sides. If you want to contact her to offer any help, or AHEM fostering, she would love to hear from you.

    Her name is Liz Newton. Contact me via PM for her emai. Now, I've got to go because we're leaving for MO in about an hour.

    Here is the email that she sent out to the other members:

    BRAT is opposed to supporting the owners and operators of puppy mills by
    purchasing their dogs at an auction. However, it is believed that if we do
    not save some of the dogs from this huge auction in MO, we will be rescuing
    more and more of their off-spring in the next few years. Therefore, on a
    very limited and organized basis, we have permission to save some of these

    If any individual is willing to foster one or more of these dogs UNTIL
    PLACEMENT, I will coordinate it. Please, do not expect to have it moved to
    another foster home if the going gets rough. Please, if you make the
    committment to foster one, commit also to the training and rehabilitation it
    will likely need.

    BRAT is willing to give financial support to this effort!

    I will be coordinating the group effort if several people are willing to
    help. We will need a designated BIDDER so one BRAT person is not bidding
    against another. We will potentially need people in MO who are willing to
    assist with transport to other areas. We will need people who can be there
    early and do some evaluation of which dogs we should bid on.

    This auction has advertised 21 adult basenjis, many of the are females, some
    with pups born in December and January. I was told today by the auction
    house people that pups younger than 8 weeks will only be sold with their
    mother. I counted and, unless the Reeds have done "pre-sales", that amounts to 11 pups whelped in December and one litter that was due in January.

    There are likely not as many pups as are listed on the auction bill as
    "numbers whelped", which is 70! It is projected that some of these dogs
    will sell for as little as $25 - $50, but we must be organized or we will
    push the prices higher.

    Liz Newton, IL
    West Regional Coordinator

    I plan on taking a lot of pictures just so others can see what a "professional puppymill" looks like.

    All help is appreciated. Have a good weekend.


  • Can I forward this to another list?

  • yes. please do.


  • Here is the official link to donate to this cause:


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