Bad Foods…
P.S. I knew a cat that ate a sizeable amount of marijuana. The cat was fine…but a little weird for the rest of his life.
Is this the cat?
Is this the cat?
Oh, dear…that is kind of pathetic...but REALLY funny ;)
The cat is fabulous. Thanks for the list it will come in handy. I had no idea about the onion thing, which is good to know because we use onions in everything.
A couple of years ago, I discovered that Lexi was getting into a bowl of candy that I didn't think she could reach. I thought my hubby was just not throwing his wrappers away until one day I was sitting there and over walks Lexi and boom, she jumps on the table like it was no big deal (she NEVER gets on tables), reaches into the bowl, and daintily pulls out a Hershey Kiss from the thread. She then placed it on the ground and proceeded to unwrap it JUST SO. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like she had little fingers and just took the foil right off and put it on the side!!! She never acted funny or anything and of course we removed that from her reach. She still goes NUTS if she smells chocolate in the room!!
I've got nothing constructive to add here, but OMG - ROFLMAO at smoking in the dog park and stoned kitties!!! :D Thanks for the giggles - I really needed them today! :)
This thread is turning out great! LOL! No joke on needing the laugh today and this thread is really helping get a laugh!
BDawg, I love your Hershey's Kiss story, I could almost picture Zahra doing the same thing.
Not that this is a food, well it might have been but one of my two furbabies ate the delete key off of my laptop, I found it in the kennel this morning partially chewed. Can I add computer keys to the bad food list?!
BBOY-ROFL Luv the kitty!!
I have one of dogs licking the screen somewhere too.:D
I have one of dogs licking the screen somewhere too.:D
Oh I wanna see :) My dh wants that as his screensaver :)