Eldorado does litter box train and they were always very successful at it when I visited..I know they line the outside of the box with newspaper too..so I would make sure to do that also so she's as familiar with the process as she can be. I would suggest if you can't get her to start using it for pooping soon to just get her a coat and start outside. The longer she goes without pooping where you want her to the harder it'll be when you need to change it. Bad habits develop fast. I wish I started Oakley outside right away versus litter training. He always would pee in it but he wouldn't poop in it. He got very used to pooping next to the box on the kitchen floor and to this day prefers going on hard surfaces. I know it's hard to imagine potty training outside in this weather but you might be better off in the long run.
I'm not against the litter box, I also have an eldorado pup; I just know the entire process would've been easier and more beneficial to is both if I braved the weather and did it in the first plAce
New here and waiting to recieve our first basenji
Hi my name is Melissa and my family and I have done so much research on basenjis and this moth decided to purchase a basenji puppy to become part of our family. We have already purchased him and are waiting for him to fly his way to us We are all very excited and cant wait for the day he arrives(hopefully soon). I think we are ready for him and hope Im not forgetting anything after all we want the best for our Guru. I look forward to being able to come here and ask all of you pros questions.
welcome! out of curiousity, where'd you purchase your new B from? breeder? shelter? rescue? how old is Guru? can't wait to see pics of your new addition! again, welcome!
welcome! out of curiousity, where'd you purchase your new B from? breeder? shelter? rescue? how old is Guru? can't wait to see pics of your new addition! again, welcome!
Thank You I purchase Guru from Devils Peak Basenjis in Salem Oregon. He is 14 weeks old.
Here is a photo I was sent of him:
I cant wait to play with him. Isn't he adorable
oh my gosh, he IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! you'll have to post many more pics, as he grows! congrats!
What a doll! You will find alot of great information here.
How cute!!!
I bet you can't wait….....good luck to you and congrats!
Welcome to the forum, enjoy and keep the pics coming.:)
OMG! He is adorable! Congratulations. and welcome..you can really learn a lot from this forum. Have fun with him…he is a real cutie.
So sweet! One of the great attributes about the basenji breed is that they never really lose that angelic face, no matter what they have managed to get themselves into. I think it has to do with their ability to wrinkle their expressive brow. You know they have chewed up a mechanical pencil or found the lint from the dryer when they purposefully seek you out to lick your face. Watch out for that Guru. He is going to be a heart breaker!
Best wishes,
-pamela -
So sweet! One of the great attributes about the basenji breed is that they never really lose that angelic face, no matter what they have managed to get themselves into. I think it has to do with their ability to wrinkle their expressive brow. You know they have chewed up a mechanical pencil or found the lint from the dryer when they purposefully seek you out to lick your face. Watch out for that Guru. He is going to be a heart breaker!
Best wishes,
-pamelaSo true!! Congrats on getting your Guru. Glad you found this forum too. It will be very helpful to you and your family. Enjoy!
I am very excited for you guys, B's are the greatest dogs, they love to get in trouble and be cute doing it and I wouldn't trade mine for anything.
So cute little boy! Enjoy the forum and welcome!
Welcome to the forum. I think Guru is the cutest baby b I have seen. Ooooo, makes me want to get a second!!
That is great! We are also in the process of getting a B and we joined the forum yesterday. We are adopting an older B from BRAT. I think we all will find great help here! Good luck and look forward to seeing pics of your new baby.
Thank you everyone I lookforward to getting to know everyone