• Our Basenji get rashes on her belly. We've tried to figure out the cause. We have taken her to the vet and even a dermatologist. We have gotten a lot of "could be this could be that," but despite many visits and a lot of money spent... We still don't know the cause.

    We tried a limited diet recommended by the dermatologist... Nope. We've done allergy tests and nothing is conclusive. So our poor dog just has to live with these break outs.

    The dermatologist told us to use Microspore leave on cream when she breaks out to help heal. We've been doing that and for the most part it has been working. But today I applied "one more treatment" to end a 4 day battle with a rash on an area that was mostly heeled and it broke out into hives immediately.

    So I guess that treamnent is out moving forward.

    Hoping someone else has overcome a similar experience and has advice to keep our dog from suffering.


  • Did she always have them or did they start after something/some time? Do antihistamines clear the problem?

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