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Dog parks in your area

Basenji Meetups & Events
  • I guess there are situations where it is the best solution, but not for my dogs. My older B is not the most friendly dog when other dogs get in her face. I think her head was chomped on while she was at a dog sitter's house. The sitter said my dog tried to run under a chain link fence and cut her face up.

    I have tried an outdoor park and an indoor facility. In both situations, I sawseveral dogs become defensive/agressive when they felt cornered or surrounded by an comfortable amount of dogs.

    Severl times I witnessed the owner of an agressive dog being giving a "warning" and the dog was not removed. In one instance the owner encouraged his dog to be dominant over the other dogs.

    I also worry about an increased risk of parasites on the ground or in shared water.

    Just my two cents.

  • Dog parks provide a place for socialization and exercise. Not all dogs do well at a dog park and not all owners are good at recognizing when their dogs just do not behave appropriately for a dog park. Of my 3 basenjis, I have 1 that can not go to the dog park, 1 that used to go but can not go if one of her offspring is there because she is overly protective of them even now that they are almost 2 years old, and 1 that does great and I take to the dog park to have play dates with her siblings.

    My mom lives in Orange County California in an area with a lot of apartments and condos where dogs are allowed but have no yard to exercise in. She has 3 dog parks in her area and uses them on a regular basis. Each park has its pros and cons and my parents have gotten to know the "regulars" at the parks they use at the times they use them. They also know their dogs well enough to know when they should leash up and go home. During this time of year, she doesn't really use the dog park as much because she has two male basenjis, and as people say "Tis the season". After their hormones settle back down they will go to the dog park more.

  • Ivoss,

    I like what you posted, I was going to post almost a similar comment about Dog Parks. I realize that not everyone is for them but we do not have a very big yard and this is a great way for my dogs to run as fast as they want without dragging me on the ground behind them! Zahra is very socialized with other dogs, we started taking her as soon as she got all of her shots.

    Our dog park is not too big and the regulars watch their dogs as they should. There are some times where some one comes in with an animal that gets aggresive but if it continues they leave. Just like at a park with a child, my eye is constantly on my dogs and making sure that they mind their manners and that they are not being beaten up by another dog.

    My idea for the post was to hear about other dog parks or other ways that people take their dogs out for excerise in their area and to learn about the location. I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn of places that I have not been to or see what other parks are like.

    As for the parasites and the water, I have not had a problem with my dogs getting sick from the dog park. Both of my dogs have the Ghiardhia <spelling>shot so that they do not get sick from water but they could pick that up from mud puddles in the yard or on our walk.

    Anyway, I agree that the dog park may not be a good place for some but it works for us and I would love to hear from people who go and what they like about theirs.</spelling>

  • and not all owners are good at recognizing when their dogs just do not >>behave appropriately for a dog park. Of my 3 basenjis, I have 1 that can >>not go to the dog park, 1 that used to go but can not go if one of her >>offspring is there because she is overly protective of them even now that >>they are almost 2 years

    This is the problem I have with the parks. IF I think MY dog will be fine at the park, that is one thing. But I also have to deal with the dogs that have the "bad" owners. I'm not willing to take the chance that they will not supervise their dogs and that may result in a fight or an injury to my dog.

    If I didn't have a yard, I would just leash up and walk the neighborhoods with my dogs.
    But I'm glad the rest of you enjoy them! ;-}

  • I hope I didn't come across as disapproving!

    Mostly, my feelings on the parks are a function of my personality, honestly. If I'm given the choice between: spend Saturday afternoon reading a good book or spend Saturday interacting with strangers – even very nice strangers doing fun things! -- I'll probably opt for the book. So I figure my basenjis want to do the same. (We're working on phonics.) I'm just not really a party person. I'm shy. :)

    But I would hate to be depriving my dogs of something essential to them, which is why I was glad to see that other folks choose not to do the parks, either, and their dogs are also fine. Which is the goal -- making sure the dogs are fine, however we do it, neh?

  • Where I live, we have only ONE true off the leash dog park. Hollie loves to play with other dogs (of all sizes) and I would not deny her that for anything. I do stay close to her, especially if the dogs are what I call "wrestle playing." I stay close enough that if any of the dogs got a little too excited or overly aggressive I could get Hollie out of the way. She is tough and holds her own, but I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone elses pet being hurt (and having to pay their vet bills). Our park has been very successful and we too know the regulars by sight and their dogs by name (the dogs are the most important, aren't they?). I also make a habit of taking Hollie away from the gate and leashing her when another dog arrives. I find that 5, 10, 15 dogs crowding the gate for the newcomer scares some dogs and they could snap out of fear. Once the dog is in and unleashed, then I releash Hollie. We will stay for up to 2 hours, because she LOVES it and needs the exercise. There are pros and cons for everything and yes we do have to decide what is best for our own dog. THey are all different.

  • I live with my basenji in a small townhouse. We have a tiny yard and it's certainly not fenced. I regularly take her to a large (36 acre) fenced dog park about 10 minutes from here. She really doesn't care for other dogs, but the offleash running time is indispensible.

    She is a typical basenji- she's dominant and catty with other females. We work on our "walk away" command all the time. I watch for hackles, frontal behavior, tails going straight up… any signals that things could escalate and I ask her to walk away- no problem.

    That said, you can't count on everyone to be responsible. It's your responsibility to make sure that your dogs are sufficiently protected from disease, parasites, other dogs, other people, and health hazards. I don't go when the crowds are there, and I certainly don't stand there and socialize while my dogs explore on their own.

    I think the true problem with dog parks comes when the owners are being irresponsible. They're talking on their cell phone or eating a muffin rather than keeping an eye on their dogs. Even worse, I've seen people put their dog in the park and then go sit in their air conditioned car.

    Be a responsible dog owner, encourage others to do the same. Do what you feel is best for your dog.

  • Personally I would be careful with other dogs in one. As much as they seem to like other dogs, off leash would make me nervous. You just never know. However I'd love to find out where pet friendly parks are when interstate traveling. We recently took a trip down I64 through TN and AL and would have loved to find a place to let them stretch. I'm surprised how many parks don't allow dogs even ON a leash. We did find one to stop at. The Peach Park, near Montgomery AL, has good food and an attached park with tables. It was great to use the tie-downs and eat lunch. I also stopped at a place in VA which had a similar eatery – though I can't tell you where of hand. I even once was allowed to take Brie into a small restaurant in KY on a camping trip -- though that was 12 years ago. Maybe we need a "traveling with the dogs" section?

    But back to the request: I know of 2 near Kings Island, OH off I71. There is a new one which has a HUGE fenced run in the woods. PM me for directions. There is rarely anyone at either during school hours ...but no BBQ sadly.

  • We are very lucky here in Tampa. We have several dog parks and indeed, each has it's own "culture". We have taken our 3 basenjis to a dog park almost daily for over 6 years, and before that we took them to a big off-leash area far from traffic every day. When the first dog park opened in this area, several of us that knew each other from various internet basenji lists got together and discovered that off leash in neutral territory, basenjis got along with other dogs and with each other far better than anyone expected. I daresay we were the first "social experiment" of ongoing basenji meet-ups and I think most people (on the chat lists) didn't really believe how well they all did! We currently have a regular get-together with other basenjis every Sunday at a larger 6 acre park, sometimes only 5, often as many as 10 or 12 basenjis that play and chase for a couple of hours. Some of us have been together since the start of our little group, some we have recently met, but all get along very well. The girls are, well, bitches, and snark at the boys from time to time, occasionally at each other, but nothing like a fight. If things get tense, we all get up and go for a walk and everything smooths out. I am the biggest fan of dogparks that you will ever meet!
    Of course you have to pick your park, and even a good park changes by the hour. Go alone at different times of day and chat with owners, hopefully you will find a group of like-minded responsible people and hook up with them. One of our parks is pretty much a 'pit and rottie' type of park, but others are great! Like someone else said, watch the other owners and be sure they are watching their dogs and not just socializing. And if a dog that comes in that makes you nervous, leave!
    I won't say we have never seen a real fight, or that no dog is ever injured, but it is very rare. And the dogs LOVE it, they are very social creatures and love to meet new dogs and play, and really love seeing their pals every Sunday. Whoever gets there first always says that their dogs just sit and watch the gate till another basenji gets there, then they start to socialize with everyone. I could go on and on about the pleasures of dog park! We have met some of our very best friends there, and 2 good friends that met at dog park just got engaged,so it can be very good for humans as well.

    If anyone is ever in Tampa, let me know and we'll meet up. We have met (in person) at least 10 people from all over the country that I knew from chat lists, all are amazed at our little basenji gang!

    MacPack (Anne in Tampa)

  • We are very lucky to have PAW parks in Tampa and a great community of basenji owners. Almost all of the basenjis that meet weekly are rescues and have been through hard times and socialize well. Just follow the rules. Don't have your dog on a leash inside the park, dont have kids that could look like peers to dogs, pick up your poop, no puppies that dont have the proper vaccines and be aware of the unfixed dogs in the park. Our basenji group is exciting to watch and has a pack personality. This group of basenjis protected and loved on Beta when she was really ill at the park last week with no problems. The macpack have the apha female and male of the group in my opinion and are fun be with!

  • We goto the dog park in Wheaton Maryland in Wheaton Regional Park. Its close enough that we can walk there during a longer walk.

    As far as taking dogs to the dog park, I enjoy letting them walk around and do their own thing as opposed to when we go for walks and they alway have to do what I say on the leash. The funny thing though is that they just stay around me anyway and just watch all of the other dogs. They will go around and sniff other dogs but will not play with them. They prefer to watch all the action near me. If another dog gets too in their face or friendly with them they ether let out a long growl or a hard sniff and hop away. This lets the other dog know that they don't appreciate that, if the dog doesn't get the clue thats when I will step in. So far no problems.

    Its also interesting the totally different way they interact with dogs there, totally calm. When they are on leash they go nuts and scuffle with each other if they even seen a dog, so I think its good for them to become more socialised so hopefully I can eventually break them of this habit.

  • There are 5, well maintained off leash parks here in Minneapolis-St. Paul and I consider them a God Send. Luxor gets more run time than I could give him in a hundred walks and comes home hungry, happy and tired. He's been beat up a couple times and the rough play is hard to watch sometimes, but the benefits far outweigh the scratches. Lux runs the park, interacting with every dog and running to greet every new arrival. I can't wait for it to get above freezing so we can go romp. We want to come to B heaven in Tampa!

  • Ha Ha…I suppose it is basenji heaven. It was 43 this morning in Tampa and Caesar was shivering in his fleece sweater....

    Can't wait for it to warm up again...

  • -4 this am, moving to a high of +5. It's out, pee-pee, poo-poo and back in very fast!:eek:

  • HA HA, it's

  • 43 degrees would be SUMMER here! We're dealing with 6 and windchills of below zero :eek :eek:

  • I say all the basenjis up north come down to visit Tampa and hang out for the winter….snowbird basenjis....

  • Nala and I will be on the first flight outta here…

  • Great dog park in Groton, CT on Rt 184.

    I suppose that I can understand why you might be nervous letting a Basenji off leash around other dogs. That is just not the case for us.

    Our 3.5 year old basenji is a rescue that had at least 2 previous owners and was not socialized to other dogs at all. When we first got her she would not let another dog within 25' of her. We had to wait for times at the park when only a few dogs were there. It was very difficult to bring her to the park then because it would literally be an hour or more of growling nonstop. We kept it up because we didn't not want a mean, aggressive, dog.

    For the longest time she would not even move farther away than 10 feet from us. Slowly she got used to it though and would venture a bit further away and begin to interact with other dogs. About 6 monthes after we started bringing her (and this was 3 or 4 times a week at least) she got comfortable enough that she would actually play. The first time I saw her play bow at the park was a thing of beauty.

    Now (1.5 years after getting her) she plays and runs (some) and interacts. She is still aloof, but she is so much more social than we ever thought whe would be. The only time I hear her growl these days is when it is a puppy that is spastic and doesn't yet understand the body language. Only when she is pushed a bit does she even growl now, where before it was a given if she even caught sight of another dog.

    These are social and active animals and it breaks my heart to think of them not being allowed the chance to run and socialize. If you're new to the dog park scene but want to try it, I recommend taking your B when there are only one or two dogs there (try a weekday at lunchtime) and going for very short periods of time. As your B (and you) gets use to it, increase the times that you go. You as the owner can always gauge the mood of the other dogs. If they are too rough then leave and come back some other time. Trust me, with the temperment of our older dog we have to do that all the time!

  • that is a great story! If any of you can post pics of your parks that would be great as well!!

    the Macpack often visit the Davis Island dog park in Tampa. It is an extra special park because it is on the beach and the fence goes into the water so dogs can swim if they want too!

    Caesar loves this dog park in particular because it is different from his usual haunts. He will chace the retrievers into the water, just to run with them. Once he gets in, he realizes he doesnt like water and runs back out!!

    I am looking forward to getting Cairo to the park. His puppy energy level wears me out!! Our dog parks allow pups at 12 weeks, but I will wait until he gets that final series of shots just to be extra cautious.

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