• @elbrant
    Will try with this feeding method too, thank you!!

  • O.K. I think I am getting a clearer picture of the situation. You have been overthinking things and you are likely confusing your pup. You need to "pick a lane" and stick to it. Mixing up many training methods isn't a great idea. And IMO overuse of food is a mistake. A reward that is too readily available loses its value. elbrant has the right of it. Your pup needs to understand the order of things. Might be useful to consider "nothing in life is free" and establish that all good things come from you, and you set the rules and timing, for example, play is initiated by you, not him. Food or toys come from you at your discretion, not because he demands it. He has to work for things. Always ask for something before you reward, even the smallest thing that indicates you are running the show.

    The thing about using a clicker is that the sound is consistent, and it is easier to be more precise. A marker word will work, but IMO it is easier and more understandable if you use a clicker. Understand that the clicker is for training new behaviour, and its use ends for that particular behaviour once it is on cue, so you don't need to constantly carry it around, just bring it out for training sessions that involve new learning.

    Without observing, my take is that you may be overdoing the food rewards and setting up the expectation that you are basically a food dispenser. I would suggest that you have regular meal times and separate feeding from rewarding. Also, that you put the treats somewhere handy but not instantly available. Once the treat is paired with a clicker or your marker word, it doesn't have to instantly follow the behaviour and you can go get it when needed. I am not a fan of luring, although some have good success with it. I prefer to let the dog figure out what is required and "capture" the behaviour.

    Once a behaviour is understood and on cue, change to intermittent rewards. Otherwise you end up with a dog that will only comply when food is available.

    Oh, and about cats......they will often want to cuddle, purr away, then change their mind when they have had enough and offer to bite or scratch. Never trust a cat that seems to want a belly rub!

  • I want to further clarify what I wrote above. Restraint would not be my first choice in the situation. I would use it only when ceasing play/ignoring is not working and the pup insists on continuing to bite. At this point it is time to insist that the biting stop.

    Another thought on the subject. You might want to use a specific word for when playtime or other activity ends. For sheepdog people it is "that'll do", which means the dog should cease herding activities. It's important to be clear about what you want and what you don't want, so "no" should be part of the vocabulary and it always means "don't do that". In regards to rough play and biting, once whatever method you have employed works and he quits it, I would ask for another behaviour, e.g. sit or kennel or down, and then reward that, either with praise or a treat, so that your reward is associated with something clearly not the biting behaviour you are trying to suppress.

    The most important thing, to me, is to earn the dog's respect and become a "leader" rather than a "sibling". It's your house, you are the boss, your rules apply, and all good things come from you, so it is in the dog's best interest to please you.

  • @yodabasenji said in biting..again:

    Wakanda Legend Amazing Grace

    Thank you for the parents - But which is Yoda ! (he is in the on-line pedigree database so you can explore through his family. AND send me a photo ???)

    Wakanda Legend Dark Moon
    Wakanda Legend Deep Purple
    Wakanda Legend Desert Rose
    Wakanda Legend Dream Catcher
    Wakanda Legend DrumNBasse

  • @yodabasenji said in biting..again:

    Thank you for your suggestions!
    We are trying to build value in ourselves by hand feeding him from day 1. He doesn't have a food bowl, everything comes from our hand and that is the only time he's really not biting. And during feeding, we usually try to make things fun by teaching him tricks. What else can we do?

    We are crate training him, but he goes to crate only when he's tired (he does this on his own on occasion), because otherwise he cries and jumps and he can't calm down. And as I've already mentioned, he peed in his crate during one of these episodes, so we're afraid to do it again, but we'll start working on that more.

    We need to start doing are the handling drills. We thought that if he comes to us for a cuddle, that it should be enough, but I guess we need to reward him more every time he's calm.


    Hand-feeding is great, but that alone doesn't build value. When I say make yourself valuable, what I mean is doing something interactive with the dog, something where the dog is focused and excited about doing something with you specifically, instead of on an object (toy, food). A session of engagement training looks like this: your dog looks at you, you run away and let him chase you, when he reaches you, give him food rewards, repeat.

    Also, instead of focusing on tricks, I would be doing handling drills with his meals.

    If he cries and jumps in the crate and only goes in when he wants, then he isn't crate trained. If he peed, then you might be going too fast too soon. Go slowly (meaning don't ask for too much initially (have low criteria for rewarding)), make the crate appealing, do it often for short periods, again, working at his pace. You might be training crate skills for 6 months (hopefully not though).

    As for the handling drills, they are incredibly important, especially with sensitive dogs, which Basenjis (generally) are. And handling drills are just as important with other breeds as well, especially if you want to do things with them and make them do things. If he comes to you to cuddle, then he's only going to be fine with you touching him when he wants it. But if he doesn't, which is probably going to be in the daytime, then he'll probably bite. This is also a must for vet visits, grooming, etc.

  • @eeeefarm
    Overthinking and confusing seems the most probable problem here. Maybe we'll relax slowly when we start understanding each other and things will be easier.

    THANK YOU for all of your advice, it's been very useful. We really need to make a simpler and clearer plans, set some rules and stick to them and most importantly not expect to change anything overnight.

  • @zande
    Yoda is Wakanda Legend Deep Purple.
    And this is him at 7 weeks vs. today at 11 weeks 🙂

  • @scagnetti
    As I've already written above to eeeefarm, we will try to take things slowly and start expecting less or at least be reasonable with our expectations.
    See, it's the little things that we miss, like him going to crate when he wants it, we were just happy that he goes in there willingly when he's tired.
    We've started focusing on handling drills and will be doing just that this week, without mixing 1000 of things at a time.

    I can't say thank you enough, you guys are really great!

  • @yodabasenji He's gorgeous ! Do send me a photo - to my email address sallypwallis@gmail.com and I will include it in the database so the world can see him !!! (and you can explore his family!)
    Database link is in my signature block.

  • @yodabasenji

    Glad to hear it. Hope it all works out.

    All the best.

  • @yodabasenji - Correct it will not change overnight... it is like human children... you need to keep the same up... and change comes slowly, period...

  • @yodabasenji I think I posted this sometime ago. One of my favorite graphics explaining the evolution of a puppy...


  • Little trick about the crate. Put something in there that he wants, food, toy, whatever, and lock him out of it so he can see it and not get at it. Wait until he is anxious to have it, then use the cue word you want to associate with going into the crate and unlatch the door.

  • @zande
    Thank you, will send it!

  • @jengosmonkey
    This really doesn't look too optimistic to me 😁

  • @eeeefarm
    We've been doing this from the start, he has a favourite toy and chewing stuff in there and he can only use it inside of the crate and he isn't even trying to take it out anymore.
    Yesterday he went all crazy after dinner and we sent him to crate and there he amused himself with the chewing and playing for 30 mins and then settled and fell asleep.
    That's all good, right?

    One more question about the handling drills. When he's chewing on something he's supposed to (toy, bully) and he's super focused on the chewing, is it ok to touch him or is that sending some wrong information?


  • @yodabasenji said in biting..again:

    When he's chewing on something he's supposed to (toy, bully) and he's super focused on the chewing, is it ok to touch him or is that sending some wrong information?

    I think it depends. Have you done this and what has his reaction been? Because you have had biting issues I would be cautious about a possible resource guarding issue, but that may not be a trigger for him. If he is happily chewing away, I don't think I would interrupt unless I needed him for something, and then I would probably call him away. Basenjis can be testy about interruptions when they are indulging in something they enjoy. This is particularly a tricky thing when they are snoozing comfortably and don't want to be disturbed. Quite a few are snarky in that situation, and I prefer to finesse it. None of mine have resented being touched when they have a toy, but a couple have resented something tasty like a bone or rawhide being taken away. (I quit using rawhides partially for that reason, they got too possessive about them).

  • @yodabasenji said in biting..again:

    We've been doing this from the start, he has a favourite toy and chewing stuff in there and he can only use it inside of the crate and he isn't even trying to take it out anymore.
    Yesterday he went all crazy after dinner and we sent him to crate and there he amused himself with the chewing and playing for 30 mins and then settled and fell asleep.
    That's all good, right?

    One more question about the handling drills. When he's chewing on something he's supposed to (toy, bully) and he's super focused on the chewing, is it ok to touch him or is that sending some wrong information?


    Handling drills are done with food only, not toys or bully sticks.

    Touch dog, give food reward. Repeat 100 times.

    Also, you said he "went all crazy" and then you sent him where toys were. That's not a good idea, you're rewarding him for being "all crazy".

  • @eeeefarm
    He doesn't mind being touched while chewing, that's why I asked. But I'll leave him alone to chew it off 😁

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