It's been my experience that sometimes my basenji just gets it in her head that she doesn't like another dog, and for seemingly no good reason. I have been able to mitigate her behavior, but this is not a cure….
First, an excited basenji is a biting basenji. Make sure he's calm. Make him sit. Exert your dominance. Stand over your dog, look him in the eye. You need to snap him out of his mindset and remind him that you're in charge and he doesn't need to be aggressive.
It will take time and patience, but he can be made more comfortable...
I've also found that walking together as a "pack" helps. The two humans in the middle, the dogs held on a very short leash to either side, and you ignore your dog's aggression, focusing them on the walk itself. After a short while, they should just about forget one another. But this also acclimates them to each other. Good luck!
New to site
Hi everyone, I'm new to the site. I'm surprised I haven't found it before. I'm a certified vet tech and basenjis are my passion. My first dog as a child was a basenji and he was the best but when I went to college everyone disliked the breed for various reasons I'm sure you've all heard them. Ever since then my goal has been to become a breeder and make the wonderful qualities more known. I've done lots of research but I haven't started breeding because I don't want to be a back yard breeder. Does anyone have any tips or places to get quality breeding dogs?
Thanks alot I appreciate every bit of information.
Welcome!! You'll like it here. Check out the Breeder Threads. You'll find lots of info there!
Welcome…no breeding info. from me, but I'm certain you'll get lots of feedback and have fun with others who share your passion for Basenjis!
I got mine from a NH breeder and we live in VT. Enjoy!