• After an infected bug bite turned into a huge patch of infected dermatitis, we have to debride, clean with alcohol, and apply anti-biotics to our 7 month olds scrotum and thighs (which makes him alternatively scream and snap). All basenji literature is nearly obsessive about avoiding negative reinforcement (which i avoid at all cost), and he is clearly pissed at us afterwards. What can I do to avoid basenji hate for torturing him for 4-10 days straight? I am currently dumping chicken and favored chews on him but he isnt letting me pet him.

  • Tell him, literally, that you are sorry... you know it hurts, but you have to do it to make him all better. Will he understand what you are saying? no. But he will understand the compassion in your voice. And the love in your touch. And the concern on your face. At the end of the ordeal, give him the chicken (or maybe some salmon, or beef liver, or steak) treats that he wouldn't normally get and tell him what a good boy hs is for dealing with it.

    If he is snapping and you feel like you are really in danger (of being bitten), muzzle him during the treatment.

    When you apply the alcohol, softly blow on it. It stings when I put alcohol on a cut/scrap, it would sting for him as well... and he wouldn't have a reference point for why it stings. Blowing on it will help soothe that. Do the same for the antibiotics. They probably don't sting, but your dog will begin associating the gentle blowing as a signal that applying the medication is over and he can relax again.

    The topical antibiotics may still be needed, but your Vet should be able to prescribe oral (pill form) antibiotics that you can crush and mix with his food.

    Can't blame him for being upset afterwards, but holding him for a bit, talking to him and watching TV could help him calm down (and maybe forgive you). At least until tomorrow when you have to do it again....

  • This is a difficult thing with a young dog, as they haven't built up a relationship with you and likely do not understand that you are trying to help. An older animal is probably better tuned in and knows that you don't mean to harm them. That said, some dogs are very pain sensitive and will snap and growl when you must do anything that causes discomfort. Yes, I agree with elbrant, talk to him, tell him you are sorry, cry if it helps him understand. and depending on how long it takes to do the treatment, give short breaks and food rewards if he will take them. When you are done, don't force affection on him, let him sulk and get over it and come back to you when he is ready.

    Oh, and BTW, what you are doing cannot in any way be considered "negative reinforcement" which refers to a stimulant that is withdrawn when the animal produces the desired behaviour. I think you have it confused with positive punishment, a common mistake, but if we are going to use operant terminology it helps if we are on the same page. In any case, what you are doing is neither, as you are not trying to induce or suppress a behaviour.

  • @eeeefarm
    What I mean was I am using 100% redirection or going into a training session after a firm NO, not popping or any other corrections. This is nothing like that because its pain in response to...nothing. I am not overly sentimental, I just dont want my dog to slink away and avoid me or attack pillows after I try and help him.

  • @bill-t said in Painful Medical Care:

    What I mean was I am using 100% redirection or going into a training session after a firm NO, not popping or any other corrections. This is nothing like that because its pain in response to...nothing. I am not overly sentimental, I just dont want my dog to slink away and avoid me or attack pillows after I try and help him.

    I understood what you meant, it's just that the terminology is very specific and to quote the "Princess Bride", “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” 🙂

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