• I'm really interested in going to a show (in Vermont) this weekend to learn about this type of competition. I know nothing about it. There is a puppy competition and would like to enter my B in it. I don't see any way to register; I have contacted the club but I'm guessing they are very busy at this point. Is this something you can just show up to do and register the same day, typically? I'm guessing people cannot bring in their dogs not being shown; is that correct? This would be a nice start for me to talk to other B owners but not even sure when Basenjis will compete. It's a 4 day show. Any help or advice much appreciated.

  • Best place to start is with AKC (https://www.akc.org/sports/conformation/) and read about conformation shows starting there. This is not a show that you can just show up and enter, entries closed about 2 wks ago. Dogs show at different times of the day and that is assigned by the show superintendent, in this case InfoDog (website is InfoDog.com). If you go to show info tab you can search for dog shows by state. Also that site will tell you when entries close and when calculated when/what time/what ring number each breed will show. I did look at Friday and Saturday and Basenji will show in ring 4, Friday at 8:45am and Saturday in ring 4 at 9:15am. After a breed shows they are not required to stay and most will go home and come back the next day. There is also UKC that holds shows, those you can enter that day here is their website www.ukcdogs.com

  • @tanza Thanks for the information, Pat! I will plan to time it to see the amazing Bs!

  • @tanza I just scanned the 2 documents on the infoDog website and this show says "closed to the general public" "no spectators". a covid thing.

  • Still not allowing spectators... disappointing. Hope that changes soon.

  • @beth314 - Yes that is still into play depending on where is the US... sorry..... best would be to read about showing on the AKC site and also have you talked to your breeder about showing? You really need to have mentor and a responsible breeder would always be helpful. Would you care to share your pups breeder/pedigree? If you don't want to post here you can send it to me, go to my link below for my website and you will find my email address.

  • @tanza I did not get my pup from what you would call a breeder, really. so no info on that. I just wanna have fun with my pup and wouldn't take it all too seriously (I hope). I'm reading on the web and the forum about whitening agents and show prep I'm not interested in doing. I'd likely just show up with her "as is" and have a good laugh, if allowed. hopefully there's a sense of humor in all this show dog stuff and if there isn't, well, that's ok but I wouldn't continue. I would be willing to work with someone to get the very basics down but first the covid nightmare needs to end, it seems.

  • @beth314 if you just want an overview of how a Basenji is presented in the breed ring, stacking, gaiting, etc. lots of youtube out there for that, e.g.

    As to prep, most breeders or exhibitors would likely be happy to share some tips. And if you don't want to embarrass yourself and your pup, you really do need to do minimal prep to present her in her best light. Nails trimmed, maybe do the whiskers, and she needs to be clean, know how to trot beside you, familiar with being stacked. You don't just walk in like you are at the dog park! A handling class would be useful once things start to open up. Best if your pup isn't totally surprised at what she encounters in the ring, e.g. the judge touching her.

  • @eeeefarm that all makes sense to me though I did chuckle at the idea of showing up like it's a dog park. I would want to learn the basics. I'll watch the video, thanks!

  • There is no substitute for actually being at a show and watching, talking to handlers. And / or going to ring craft classes like we have over here.

    Shame you are having no spectators at the moment. We are running two shows a day, a breed club show often in conjunction with a large, general championship, show on several occasions. And as not all the same people show at both, there must be some people who stay to watch whatever else is going on.

    I am judging in a few weeks time and certainly hope spectators are allowed to add to atmosphere of a normal show.

  • @beth314 - Most people showing Basenjis these days don't take off whiskers any longer. Nails need to be done but of course they should be done at least every two wks. Bath is needed, you want the white to be white... and tails should be trimmed up especially if bushy. Honestly they need to be trained and you need to know how to set them up, called stacking so the judge can go over them, especially when in the table for the exam. Judges want to see a well behaved dog. And you need a show collar and lead and teach them how to move correctly.

  • @tanza yes, lots to learn. it was a bad scene with covid and veterinary appointments so she is not off to a good start with "strangers" handling her. No way on gawd's green earth I'm going to cut her whiskers. Any more than I would crop a dog's ears or dock a tail. Sheesh. A bath, nails, clean - makes sense.

    She is a stunning girl but I suppose we all think that about our amazing Bs! 🙂

  • @beth314 - It is most important that she accepts handling in the exam table for showing, Judges go over the dogs while you have them in a conformation stack on the table. If you would like to send me pictures of her my email can be found below in my website and also her pedigree. Note that to show at AKC shows she must be registered

  • Following all the things Pat, @tanza, suggested. Make sure you play/handle you pup's feet so she/he doesn't pull their feet away when touched. You should also practice with their head/face and manually showing their teeth. I know how to do it, I do not know how to describe the technique. Perhaps Pat can.

  • watching the video I see these Bs all have a very white neck "collar". Mind doesn't with more blend of red/white. I'll try to get some pics; the ones I have were when she was very young.

  • When I regularly showed all or some of the pack, I made everyone who came to the house go over a dog and look at teeth. Postman, milk delivery boy, casual visitors. The more they are handled by different people the better.

    Personally, I always ask the handler if they would like to show me the teeth when I judge. There used to be judges who undid Basenji tails ! I smacked the hand of one such away, telling her there was no need for that. Needless to say, I didn't place ! (But I noticed she didn't do it to subsequent dogs that day).

    I have never bathed a dog before a show. They are always very clean, even this morning though the woods were very muddy. By the time we arrived home, both were pristine. And I love bushy tails ! Trimmed whiskers do NOT get my vote either.

  • @zande said in Complete newbie to showing:

    Trimmed whiskers do NOT get my vote either.

    It used to be a thing, both dogs and horses. But I have not been in a show ring with a dog since the '80's. Never liked the idea of trimming whiskers, and with horses you were expected to trim excess hair on face, including whiskers, hair around eyes, inside of ears and outlining the jaw line. Most horses didn't appreciate it! I worked with my Arab gelding without a halter, loose in the barn aisle. When he got uncomfortable with the clippers he was free to walk away.

    Basenjis keep themselves so clean you seldom need to bathe them. I had a husky/shepherd crossbred that was the same way. Put a muddy dog in the barn at night, open the door to a perfectly clean one in the morning!

  • @eeeefarm said in Complete newbie to showing:

    ... I had a husky/shepherd crossbred that was the same way. Put a muddy dog in the barn at night, open the door to a perfectly clean one in the morning!

    What the...? Did they wipe themselves with a horse? 😂

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