• Hi all…and happy new year everyone.

    Cali is doing much better and her rash is all gone.

    pooping in the crate

    Cali is 14 weeks old......I take her out every morning before and after she eats.... she does peeeee and poop outside.....but when I put her in her crate in the morning when I go to work and when I get home...she always pooping in her crate....

    any advice.......24 by 36 crate.

  • How long is she in her crate? At 14 weeks she can only be expected to "hold it" for 3-4 hours.

  • Ditto IVOSS…I think at that age you have take them several times a day.

  • Hi Mark – It's me again, Sharon & Nala...I think I'm reliving Nala's puppyhood through you and Cali! Nala would poop in her crate as a pup too. I know I tried making the crate smaller with a barrier, but she still pooped. I think I tried just about everything that was suggested but suffice to say, she doesn't poop in her crate (unless she's ill) now. If you haven't already, I would go out and buy a HUGE container of the doggie enzymatic cleaner that neutralized odors...If you are leaving her for more than 3 - 4 hours, I'd try and find someone to come in and take her out for me. I even think that you might take her to a reputable doggie daycare place if you can't find someone…it will help her with socialization too.
    Please let me know how it goes...hang in there...patience, my friend, patience...

  • Hi all.

    lvoss–she is in her crate from 7 to 2:30.....but i do come home from time to time during the day, have good enough job to let me do that. LOL.

    jys1011--yes she does go a few times a day, but it's funny that she can hold it for the nite.

    nala--Hi Sharon lol on reliving Nala's puppyhood, ya i tried making the crate smaller too like you said she still poops, I understand she is only 14 weeks old and that she has to go.
    as for trying to find someone to come let her out thats a tough one.

    thank you everyone. 🙂

  • @nala121498:

    Hi Mark – It's me again, Sharon & Nala...I think I'm reliving Nala's puppyhood through you and Cali! Nala would poop in her crate as a pup too. I know I tried making the crate smaller with a barrier, but she still pooped. I think I tried just about everything that was suggested but suffice to say, she doesn't poop in her crate (unless she's ill) now. If you haven't already, I would go out and buy a HUGE container of the doggie enzymatic cleaner that neutralized odors...hang in there...patience, my friend, patience...

    Hi Mark1491,
    A few more suggestions to might try . . . aside from realizing you have a little bitty Basenji, patience is due as her cleaner instincts will kick in during the house training phase. My suggestion is to put in a teething toy or two in her crate and a t-shirt you've worn with your scent for comfort and security. And you might try putting a bowl of kibble in too. It is against doggie instinct for them to eliminate where they sleep and eat. It might just do the trick, whether she eats the food or not. I don't think a full helping of kibble in the bowl is necessary, just enough to indicate food is present. I would use stainless steel bowl in case it becomes the object of chewing attention.

    I remember coming home to a poopy crate too last March & April when we got Duke. The $18 soft wonderful crate bed was thrown in the garbage. I got tired of washing it every night. I was advised by a trainer that puppies don't need that and to let him lay on the bare crate tray. It was much easier to clean too. I used Nature's Miracle to clean the smells from the crate. Very important to get rid of urine and poop odor. I think the crate was poop free soon after getting rid of the cushion.

    My sympathies during this young-puppy phase. It will be worth it - Good luck and enjoy your forever little one. 😉

  • I will trying those things and go from there…...I know Cali is only a pup.....I know Cali will get it in due time.....every little info will help....

    thank you

  • When my B, Sahara was that age, she pooped in her crate just once, on occassion she would however pee, and I would have to wash it out , and then use Nature's Miracle to get the smells out. Take her out just before you leave, and praise, praise. I also had small doggie biscuits in my pocket, as soon as she goes give her a treat. Say, "Good Girl Cali", Here's your treat, Good Girl!!!! Once they have gone in the house or crate they forget in 30seconds I was told. Just keep up the good work, use patience. I was told to just be patient, and she would get it all of a sudden, and guess what she did!!!! It took Sahara about 2 mos. and she was completely trained, I also got a doggie door and underground electric fencing.

  • I agree it takes time and patience to train them, what not to do. I would however like to say IMHO to be careful with underground fencing. I had 3 friends who got it, all 3 had the dogs run right through it chasing something, and then would not come back through it. One of them got hit, he survived, but they got rid of the dog, instead of the fence.
    Not too bright, was not his fault, but some do that I guess.
    Time, patience and love, will do the job every time!!! Carole

  • You might also try a small crate… if the crate is too large, then they can poop or pee in one part and still have a clean area in another...

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