(Vengeful?) Pottying On The Couch!

  • @ntasd said in (Vengeful?) Pottying On The Couch!:

    the answer can't be, "just let her be with you 100% of the time."

    Not 100% of the time, but when you are home, let the dog get used to being "on it's own". At your dog's current age, toileting is not going to be "spot on". Clearly you will need to address taking the dog out in an attempt to avoid accidents. Other than that your dog should be given an opportunity to "explore" her home without being in a crate or pen. Using baby gates might be a good option to keep the dog in one room. Ideally, you want the dog to be in the same room you are in, even if your attention is not fully on her. This shouldn't be a problem if the room has been "puppy-proofed". She will learn what is "ok" and "not ok" over time. But she won't learn if she is confined to "x" amount of square feet in a pen.

    @ntasd said in (Vengeful?) Pottying On The Couch!:

    Any suggestions for how to help her with separation issues?

    Place her in her crate, tell her you will be "right back", and leave. At first, go to the corner and back, then gradually increase the time you are gone. But you have to actually be gone. Dogs can hear incredibly well. So, if your dog is in the crate and you are fixing a cup of tea, the dog won't understand why it's in the crate.

    This is something that has to be modeled on your own life. What expectations do you have about your dogs behavior? Watch your dog for cues, they have a way of training you, too.

  • @elbrant thanks. I've gone back on my messages to try to understand why people think we have her in a pen. I can't find it, but maybe I'm just not seeing my words through other people's eyes. We don't keep her in her pen. In fact, we're doing exactly what you suggested. Our living room and kitchen are connected and they have one doorway to the family room and upstairs. We've put a puppy gate at that doorway and give her free roam of the two rooms. On one end of the living room, my step daughter does remote learning for school due to Covid. My wife works from the breakfast nook in the kitchen. The puppy, is out and free to roam that entire area. There is the occasional "get down" command when she jumps on a coffee table or end table, but otherwise, she's left to her own devices. She has a bed, NOT IN HER CRATE, with a blanket and toys. She spends a lot of time sleeping there. When she's not sleeping, she's usually at someone's feet with something she's chewing on or speeding around the couch like a banshee. Her pen and the crate are in the living room and the door is left open to both. On occasion she'll go in there. We don't stop her but we don't encourage it either.

    Thanks for the tip on leaving the house. It's a little more difficult with everyone working from home due to Covid, but I think it's a good idea. Thanks!

  • @ntasd said in (Vengeful?) Pottying On The Couch!:

    I've gone back on my messages to try to understand why people think we have her in a pen

    Because you told us you were using a pen....

    @ntasd said in (Vengeful?) Pottying On The Couch!:

    That pen is being used for: 1) the place where her crate is at night so that we can leave the crate open as that seems to make her more comfortable; 2) a place where we play and enjoy each other together in addition to our playtime outside the pen; 3) a place we are using to help build up her ability to be away from us slowly. We're currently doing 5 minute intervals.

    Now I feel like I need to dissect the thread to figure out what's what.

  • @elbrant yes. But only in relation to crate training. Meaning training her to be in her crate at night. That's it. Other than that it's as I said above.

    "My pup, 10 weeks, does this and I am certain it is vengeful. It started with crate training. When we'd put her in the crate she'd throw a fit. If we left her be, she would eventually get super hysterical and then just poop in the crate."

  • @ntasd - Again the crate at night needs to be in your bedroom, next to the bed.. they do not do well sleeping in a room by themselves...

  • @ntasd Hello! As for Willy's mysterious couch potty, it has disappeared as quickly as it came ... she has not done it again, she has resumed her usual routine of the B-500, which includes up. on over any furniture we are not sitting on, primarily we sit on the love seat.
    I KNOW in my heart she was doing it to express SOMETHING, but whatever it was, I can't know! I DID for a couple days after the "events" not allow her to get on THAT couch, if my telling her to get down did not work, the sight of the spray bottle induced an immediate response, after a day or two of that, no issues!
    As for biting your feet, O yes! and it hurts! I found that when she was younger (like 2 months ago!) that OW THAT HURTS and an abrupt stop would let me get hold of her, and I would pick her up and get EYE TO EYE and tell her FIRMLY "NO BITE" then release her and ignore her, NO eye contact, NO talking to her for all of 3-5 minutes, and it did not take long for her to understand that biting feet in motion was NOT acceptable.
    She is still learning the difference between play biting and too rough, but is MUCH better, even when playing tug of war and fetch ( I know, B's don't typically fetch, but she does, and will do so for a really long time!)
    I find that getting EYE TO EYE and a firm talking to ( I use the word SHAME, in conjunction with the infraction, which she seems to understand is an expression of my disappointment ) followed by completely ignoring her goes a long way. A few minutes of ignoring is all it takes, she does NOT like not being talked to or looked at. I firmly believe that these little demons thrive on attention, and if being good doesn't get it, being bad is the next GO TO. As for the crate being viewed as punishment, or used for time out, all my former B's, and this little one were / are aware that there is a definite difference between "good crate time" and "time out crate time" - I did / do the same treatment for time out - NO eye contact, no verbal intercourse, and not long in the crate on a time out resulted in a better behaved pup upon release. They completely understand the difference between a happy mama and an unhappy mama! And as everybody knows, If Mama aint happy, aint nobody happy!
    I know you will ultimately reach your goal, it takes a lot of patience and love, the love part is easy, the patience part takes some work!

  • @hizbaby Thanks for the advice!

  • @elbrant I also wanted to say thanks on the advice on the frozen shirt. That's working really well as her new favorite chew thing.

  • @ntasd - Frozen carrots work well also

  • @tanza not her. Tried carrots and she couldn't be bothered with them. I think the shirt worked because I worn an old shirt yesterday and gave it to her without washing it.

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