Looking for a puppy/young Basenji in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hi there
You need to think out of the box. There is a whole wide world out there. We lived in Hawaii and got our basenji from N.Z. Cost was $2,000, most of it air fare.morse.stafford@gmail.com
Portland, Org -
Hi there,
Funny enough, my guy is from a breeder in Pembroke - just down the road from Ottawa! They've had litters on and off over the years, but I'm not sure whether they're active at the moment (last I heard, one of the moms was in a "false heat" and they might try again with her in the summer). In any event, it's easiest to politely contact whatever active breeders you can find in Ont/QC, and I find they're very nice and often able to refer you to others should their bookings be full. That's how I did it. Best of luck!!