You had me confused and then I realized you meant the write up on the other rescue (Okapi)…
I like less white also. So I had to go look... wow, coloring reminds me of minpins. :) Cute dog though.
No idea, sometimes with mixes it's so hard to tell what the parentage is. I do think that your dog's head is a bit more refined than many of the pit mixes i've seen.
I haven't checked in for awhile and got a start when I saw my dogs twin!
The "look" your Bas is giving is so Luxy!
[image: attachment_p_67076_0_menhim.jpg]
We got Killian from a breeder in Ohio–-Jim Edgerton. That's where he had gotten our previous male basenji. We took Logan and Jasmine to his place and looked at several 1 year olds and a puppies and Jasmine eliminated the others and we agreed with her pick.