• When did your female basenjis start showing signs of adolescence and what were they?

    I have a 6 month old born in the UK, but she was born out of season as her mother had an extra one. Wondering whether she is likely to have her first season in the spring when she will be about 10 months old or if she might not until the usual UK time of next autumn when she will be about 16 months.

  • @jkent That will be a really interesting observation. I don't know how many of the B's represented here were born "out of season", but it this could be really valuable information to make note of. Let us know what happens.

    Hey, @Zande... is there any information like this in your database?

  • When I had 5 entire females (and 3 randy boys) 4 of the girls ovulated and could be bred in autumn. The 5th girl only ever had summer litters but the 4 had a token dribble with her in spring just as she had a sympathy season with them later in the year.

    As pack animals, the girls liked to do everything together. Over the almost 40 years I have had quite a few out of normal season litters but none of the bitches has had litters both in summer and winter.

    One UK breeder has indeed had two summer litters - repeat matings, this year and last.

    I would seriously doubt any responsible breeder would let a bitch have two litters as close together as summer and same year winter.

    You can ask my website for a breeder by affix and compare dates.

  • Thank you. This is the second litter for the parents with the first being about 18 months prior to that. They said they weren't planning the second and tried to keep the pair apart but failed.

    At what age would females usually show the first behavioural signs of adolescence? Feels like we could be in the honeymoon period as everything feels a lot easier and we have adjusted but wondering if it's the calm before the storm!

  • You mean when does mayhem start ?! Girls are not as prone to 'teenager' behaviour as boys. Especially if they are the sole Basenji in the household.

    You could indeed be over the worst, but remember always to be the alpha of the pack. Basenjis are pack animals and need a leader, in this case, YOU. Keep a sense of humour and be prepared to compromise, often on her terms, and you will be fine.

    You don't want her to become too staid either ! Basenjis are like Chinese meals, you will soon want another one - but sadly at the moment in this country, getting a playmate is not easy. There are so few available litters.

    Send me a picture for the database - she will definitely be on it as a registered B - so you can have fun exploring her ancestry.

    Just email me a .jpg named with the registered name of the gal and I will add it.

  • Will do Thank you - yes she is on the list.

  • I sent a photo for the database to zandebasenjis [private email removed]

    Many Thanks

  • When I had basenjis, all the girls on the 'Rosa' side had 2 heats, but I only bred Rosa in the spring once.

  • @zande update - we noticed a small amount of watery blood there yesterday and today. Does that mean the fertile period has ended and she can no longer get (accidentally) pregnant or do we now need to be careful about going out? She isn't let off the lead.

  • @jkent Normally, at first onset of season, the blood is dark red. As the time of ovulation (and therefore potentially successful mating) approaches, the blood get paler until it is almost straw coloured. THAT is when you need to be extra vigilant. You will also notice a swelling at the rear which is quite puffy and soft.

    Some bitches have a longer 'window' than others. My Shani had about 4 hours when she could be mated, others 'last' for several days.

    Thereafter the blood darkens again and gradually dries up, swelling goes down and all is over for another year.

    If your girl is getting to the pale stage, I'd be extra careful !

    Also MAKE notes, all the time through the season, so you know what to expect next time.

    Because they are (normally) once-a-year girls, Basenjis often have a longer season - 28 days is quite usual.

  • Thank you. Being born in the summer and out of the usual UK season, we weren't looking out for it this year, but in hindsight she has been clumsy recently, more affectionate and more upset if one of us goes out.

  • @jkent These are all typical signs. And another reason to keep notes. Basenji girls often become more affectionate during their season. Just because she was summer-born, doesn't mean she will not have perfectly normal autumn seasons. Take care until there are absolutely no signs of discharge and then give it another week or so !

  • Update - this was definitely the start of her first season, there was over two weeks of blood and now it's watery and straw coloured.

  • @jkent So take extra care !!!

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