I would think very carefully about getting a puppy - any breed. This time of year in the Northern Hemisphere you are unlikely to find a Basenji. Last winter's crop will all have been dispersed to new owners and only a very small percentage of Basenjis have a summer season.
If the reason for your question is that you are now in lockdown, at home and with time on your hands, ask yourself what the answer would be in normal times !
If you could cope with a puppy when released from lockdown and back at work - i.e. if you could have ensured the pup wouldn't have been left alone all day when things were normal, then maybe.
But if life for a puppy would have been suboptimal in those times, then no ! Wait until you can give a puppy a good life, not just now but when life returns to normal, before embarking on a (dog's) lifetime commitment -
Good luck anyway and stay safe !