Looking for family for two Basenji puppies - Djibouti, east Africa

  • Hello, we are currently posted in Djibouti and just rescued two adorable Basenjis. Happy to start discussing possible adoption for them. They are about 3 months old and we just vaccinated them. We have a female and a male. Cannot keep them as we have already an adult dog - although we love them already. Thanks for contacting me.

  • Wow, thank you for rescuing them!
    Is there a possibility of sending them to the USA?

  • Can we see a picture or two?

  • There is probably less restriction to going to the USA, than Australia (which is a rabies free country). Most Bs from the DRCongo, go via USA, with some complicated quarantine directives.

  • Thank you for your query and yes, happy to email photos. I am not sure if we can download pictures but if so, i can also do that. Just let me know.

    Regarding shipping those little guys to the US, it can be done. It usually costs between 2 and 3, 000. Where are you located right now? We shipped our dog to Djibouti and he was fine when he got here. Thank you for your response and let me know if you have more questions.

  • You could email photos to myself at giza.1@mcsnet.ca

  • @petitprez54
    We are in Illinois.
    Our first Basenji was about the same age. He was flown to us from Michigan and he did well, too.
    What color are these?
    I would live to see pictures as well.
    My personal email is
    Thank you for your reply.

  • @petitprez54 said in Looking for family for two Basenji puppies - Djibouti, east Africa:

    I am not sure if we can download pictures

    If you look at the icons above your "compose" screen, the next to last icon will let you upload photos. When you click on it, it will let you select a file from your computer and add it to the message you are writing. I'm always interested in oooing and aahhhing over pups (especially Basenji's)!

  • Joan and Traci, happy to email you pictures. I will take some this weekend and sent them your way. The female is bigger in size (about 6kg) and lovely (tan with some black stripes and a lovely face) and extremely sharp. She is already trained. The male is smaller in size (about 5kg now) and very good natured. He is quieter but very vivid and active. We started their vaccination this week and they will have their booster in a month or so. I will be in touch. Thank you.

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