• Over the 4th of July week, everybody went to my father-in-laws cabin. It's in a remote area in Northern Michigan. Great for hunting and dirt bike riding AND to let the dogs loose. I have a rather funny video of a hike we took together. My son is upset about letting the dogs loose because he's worried they'll run away. His temper flares, but I have to laugh since I understand.

    Thought you'd enjoy seeing Duke and Daisy having fun!

  • Cute video!! Love all of your "kids"!

  • I howled when they get in your son's way….......I'm forever tripping over B's, they just seem to tangle in your feet.:D

    That was cool and they look very under control, stayed close......would be a great hunting pair!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks! The tripping basenji part makes me laugh every time. My boy sure was moody though, eh? (he was really angry with mom & dad for walking them leash free) He is protective of them two little ones. He was afraid they would run away and be lost forever. Sure glad they stayed close. Their recall was tested several times at the cabin. So I was confident it would be fine to take the walk.

    In the mornings, we could hear wild turkey near the road. They make a horrible sound!?! :eek: Daisy sat quiet and curious near a tree. I don't know if she could see them. (I couldn't) Except for her ears, (like antenna) she sat motionless for the longest time.

  • those moments are priceless.

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