• I signed up for this forum membership about a year ago when I thought I might have aquired a basenji mix, which was supposed to actually be a Decker Terrier but her (Ziva's) behaviors brought me to this forum. I am still not completely convinced Ziva is a full Decker Terrier as she is almost 1 1/2 and is only 18 lbs. She does have many basenji characteristics and behaviours.

    Nevertheless, after almost a year of bonding with Ziva, I wanted to get her a companion and after much research and education (a lot of which I learned from this forum - Thank you!), I decided on a basenji.

    We welcomed our new family member, Zoe, on 1/27 (she is 4 months now) and we are all just head over heels for her. They play so well together, most of the time 😂😂😂 They entertain each other alot! We are still working on the potty training 🙄🙄🙄 We are looking forward to all of our future basenji adventures 😊😊😊

    Without further ado, meet my Ziva (red) and Zoe (b&w) 🦊❤🐺





  • Beautiful pups, enjoy every moment!

  • Welcome to you and your gorgeous girls!

  • Beautiful pups!!

  • @fateflower, Since a Decker Terrier is a breed developed from a blend of terrier and basenji it is not surprising that you notice the basenji influence! Are you sure you should be encouraging that side of her ancestry? lol. Aw, but they are so interesting, I know, Have fun!

  • Such cuties! I'd expect Zoe to end up over 18 pounds but will be fun to look back at these pics in a year or so. Aren't they such angels when snuggled up sleeping?

    Two pups with strong prey instincts. Hmmmmmm........ This might be a good toy for them: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0054C9B1I/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

  • @pewebe4 lol, on encouraging the basenji ancestor side 🤣🤣🤣

  • @donc Thank you for the interactive toy recommendation. I had seen one before but didn't know what to call it. I went ahead and ordered one. I know they both will love it.

    Zoe is 11 lbs now @ 4 months. If I am tracking right she will get to be about 20 lbs. Atleast this is what I am hoping for.

  • @fateflower said in Meet My Ziva & Zoe:

    @donc Thank you for the interactive toy recommendation. I had seen one before but didn't know what to call it. I went ahead and ordered one. I know they both will love it.

    Zoe is 11 lbs now @ 4 months. If I am tracking right she will get to be about 20 lbs. Atleast this is what I am hoping for.

    Takes a bit to put the toy together. And you may need to play with it to get it going. But I think they will enjoy it.

    I don't understand the weights that some people have reported their Basenji puppies being. They sometimes seem very low. Not sure if the weights are measured incorrectly or the breeders are starving the dogs or the birth dates are off or what. We have a 21 pound female who at sixty days weighed almost 16 pounds. Bit of a mystery since the very small pups seem to end up at standard weights.

  • @donc Recieved the toy and they love it!

    As for weight, when we got Zoe, I thought, my she is tiny compared to others I had seen in pictures her age. She never has been a chunky puppy. Her Mom is also petite.

  • Both darling.. and that snuggle picture is simply wonderful. Congrats on the new family member!

  • @debradownsouth Yes, I love that pic! And thank you ❤❤❤

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