• I've had Basenjis for over a quarter of a century and with the exception of our first one, they have been rescues. My husband and I love the breed and can't imagine our family without one. We currently have two elderly dogs both adopted through BRAT. When they break our hearts and cross the rainbow bridge, we will probably look for a puppy as my husband has been begging for one for quite a while. I've been reading the forum for some time and it seems there can be a problem finding good breeders and available puppies. That has led me to wonder - is there is a need for some responsible breeders? Are a lot of breeders retiring? Out of love for the breed and if there's a need, my husband and I would be interested in pursuing the idea of becoming breeders. My husband is a semi-retired artist (although only in his early 50s), I'm about 6 years from retiring, and we have a house and yard with plenty room. We both know a fair amount about what's involved in breeding, would do a TON of research, and would only want 1 sire and 1 dam (of quality conformation).
    I thought I'd start with the forum to get feedback about where the future of the Basenji breeding community seems to be heading. I hope we have a couple years to research the idea as I don't want either of our two sweethearts to leave us. If there are still plenty unwanted dogs out there and no need for new breeders, then I'm such a fan of BRAT, I'll keep adopting. We're in Texas, btw.

  • It’s a good question. There are many good breeder out there but you have to plan ahead, which can be difficult. I lost my girl back in November and have been looking for a puppy to one year old. There are many breeders but the good breeders have waiting lists and plan ahead to ensure they have good homes for the pups. Getting a pup is no problem, however many are not from good breeders and I refuse to buy from unethical ones. So far I have struck out. I live in the north east and it seems there are very few litters here this year, whereas the Midwest and southern states seem to have lots of litters.

  • As noted there are many good breeders. Seems to vary across the country as to who is or is not breeding. And as noted it is important that you make a connection early on with breeders as we do have waiting lists. So by the time that the litter is bred, most all pups are spoken for.
    As far as becoming breeders, you would first need a mentor to show you the ropes so to speak.... about conformation/temperament, showing or other performance events and of course health. In some cases a responsible breeder may place an intact female with a family with the rights to breed that girl. There are many ways this can and does work.

  • Yes, as Tanza said, get mentored. The knowledge that can be learned is invaluable, but be careful. You have to come to some agreement how knowledge will be passed on. When I started in 1970's, the mentor I had would answer any question, honestly, and without bias. But I had to ask the question, first.

    I have stopped breeding, but I am willing to answer questions - but there is a difference between my environment and yours, so my answers would be different to what you may expect.

    You do not have to have one of each, just a bitch, a kennel name, and some money. You will have to take the bitch to shows so that she can be admired/criticisized by all. Winning at shows means that your bitch becomes "desirable" for those with stud dogs. When selecting a mate, make sure he complements your bitch. When it comes time to have a mating, the bitch usually travels. Both the male and female should be in excellent health, and free of most Basenji conditions and be checked by a knowledgeable vet.

    As the pups are born in winter, you need a warm place for them to grow the first months of their life. If inside is not an option, there are ways to keep everyone warm - the bitch will be with them. You should not let the pups go before they have had their shots, to introduce them to adult life and what to expect. There are two schools of thought about paying for the service of mating, either pick of the litter; or pay a fee. I prefer the latter, as you might want to keep the pick, or some people will prevaricate over their choice. The fee takes care of single pup litters, and other variations of all boys, or all girls.

    There are many variations and questions you should ask, join a breed/group/all breeds club, if possible, and endure the bitchiness that can go on there. Be positive, and others will treat you accordingly. You have two ears, two eyes, and one mouth - use them in that proportion.

  • I know Terry Reed is a breeder near Houston and currently has 2 litters. She also shows her basenjis. She was recommended when we looking for a Basenji when ours crossed the Rainbow Bridge last April. We ended up rescuing a mix instead since we didn’t want to wait but had no reservations about getting a puppy from her if we needed.

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