This is a late answer but for someone who might read this in the future we will post it anyway. The risk is much higher to the animal and it certainly raises the risk the animal bleeding out. There is also more swelling. We were going to have our Show Basenji spayed this year. She went into heat slightly early and our vet said that we should wait until after the heat was over before he felt comfortable doing the spay for the reasons mentioned.
My basenji seems to be in heat for over a month. Is this normal?
How old is she? A month isn't the norm, but you can have swelling for a week or 2 after the heat. When in doubt, see your vet.
Thanks if she’s still bleeding in a week I will call the vet
If questions, see a Vet... however Basenjis heat cycle is 1 month.... heaviest bleeding is 3 week
It's normal, I even had a bitch that was bred on day 31 and she had a litter of five.
As Deborah is suggesting, you haven't laid out what you mean by being in season. Heavy bleeding for over a month? A discharge which is decreasing? Swollen vulva? Dogs are variable, so what is normal for one may not be normal for another, and even what is normal for one may not be normal every year. Does she usually go in season in the summer? Is this her second season of the year? Did she have pups last cycle? More importantly, how old is she? A prolonged heat in a young female is likely no big deal, but in a mature female may be caused by a cyst or a tumor. So I'd probably take her to the vet.
@donc - Note that Basenjis typically do NOT have 2 seasons a year. Only 1 is mostly the normal. Many will have a season after whelping, but they are also typically not fertile
@tanza -- I know. They also don't typically have one in June, which is why I was asking about whether she had whelped last cycle. I don't think we have a lot to go on. Not being critical, but "my dog seems to be in heat for over a month" doesn't provide a lot of information and could mean a lot of different things.