@nick4 I'm assuming your pup has had Fanconi testing or is clear by pedigree? It usually causes decreased appetite, so I wanted to make sure it's been ruled out.
Otherwise, I've always found basenjis who are 'only children' are really fussy eaters--no siblings to steal their food if they walk away. At 5.5 months, it might also be he's missing the his mom & littermates, since b's are social dogs. Does he spend a fair bit of time alone? That's often stressful for them, and stress affects their appetite a fair bit.
You could try a commercial raw diet, mine definitely prefer it to kibble. Earthborn Meadow Feast is another kibble that's tempted mine when they weren't hungry.
Also, make sure the kibble is stored in a cool, dry place out of the sun in the original bag. If you economize by buying large bags, store the bulk of it in the freezer, taking out about a week's worth at a time. It can go rancid quickly once exposed to air, especially in hot weather. I'm also cautious about buying kibble in the summer months--I think it might go rancid if transported in unrefridgerated railcars or trucks that stand in the sun for hours. I have one boy with a sensitive nose and even more sensitive gut--I pay attention when he refuses food, he's my canary in the coal mine.
If he doesn't eat, pick up his food and either discard or bag it & put it in the freezer. Leaving it down for him to eat later will make him a pickier eater. It's better for training & housebreaking if he eats (or not) on a schedule that YOU dictate. Good luck!